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III. Biological: for sewage and other fecal contam.
- Must take a class and be certified to do biological testing.
- E. coli: must keep samples cool and get to lab within four hours.
- Testing equipment is inexpensive; WWALS may want to buy a kit or two.
- Fecal coliform: expensive and must get to lab quickly
- but an excellent followup to discoveries of E. coli.
- Maybe UFL in Gainesville, FL.
- UGA extension offices, can ship to Athens, Georgia, for test fee.
- Realtime flouroscope test for laundry detergent markers
- Cattle and wildlife don’t use laundry detergent
- Can follow upstream to determine source
- Expensive; need grants
- Georgia Adopt-A-Stream has a Bacterial Monitoring Manual:
Turner Design AquaFluor® Handheld Fluorometer and Turbidimeter
Two AquaFluors with warranty and logging for $5,360.00.