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Depending on the Agricultural Source and Problem
We may recommend:
NPSA-2: “Utilize Buffers, Field buffers, riparian forested buffers, and strip cropping to control runoff and reduce erosion”
NPSA-3: “Livestock Management, Livestock exclusions from direct contact with streams and rivers and vegetation buffers”
NPSA-4: “Manure Control, Responsible manure storage and handling”
NPSA-5: “Wetland and Forest Restoration Incentives, Incentives to restore wetlands and historically drained hardwood and other areas”
NPSF-3: “Conservation Land Use Planning, Seek long-term conservation easements or purchase development rights by willing landowners and conservation groups”
NPSF-4: “Where applicable, support United States Department of Agriculture incentive programs through the Farm Service Agency and NRCS to restore converted wetlands back to forested conditions”