2023-02-23--GA-EPD-Sewage-Spills-Report.html by WWALS Watershed Coalition; see https://wwals.net/issues/vww/ga-spills
Posting Date[2023-02-21] WWALS logo Suwannee Riverkeeper logo
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Posting Date[2023-02-23]
Private Property2023-02-22DeKalbStone Mountain1604 Juliette Road, Stone Mountain0Raw SewagePrivate LateralUnknownOcmulgeeSnapfinger Creek Tributary
Dekalb County Department of Watershed Management (Snapfinger Creek AWTF)2023-02-21DeKalbLithonia5752 Salem Road, Lithonia2,360Raw SewageGA0024147Collection SystemGreaseOcmulgeePolebridge Creek
Dekalb County Department of Watershed Management (Snapfinger Creek AWTF)2023-02-21DeKalbDecatur1034 Mcconnell Drive, Decatur5,680Raw SewageGA0024147Collection SystemGreaseChattahoocheeSouth Fork Peachtree Creek Tributary
Cobb County Water System (R.L. Sutton WRF)2023-02-20CobbMarietta347 Pat Mell Rd, Marietta, GA 30060790Raw SewageGA0026140Collection SystemDebrisChattahoocheeNickajack Creek
Atlanta, City of (R.M. Clayton, Utoy Creek & South River WRCS)2023-02-20FultonAtlanta2295 Macon Dr SW160Raw SewageGA0039012Collection SystemDebrisUpper OcmulgeeSouth River
Augusta, City of (J.B. Messerly WPCP)2023-02-17RichmondAugusta3335 Walton Way165Raw SewageGA0037621Collection SystemRootsSavannahRaes Creek
Atlanta, City of (R.M. Clayton, Utoy Creek & South River WRCS)2023-02-17FultonAtlanta1579 McPherson Ave SE1,390Raw SewageGA0039012Collection SystemDebrisUpper OcmulgeeSugar Creek
Valdosta, City of (Withlacoochee WPCP)2023-02-15LowndesValdosta1810 E Park Ave672,250Raw SewageGA0033235Collection SystemPipe failureSuwanneeKnights Creek
Atlanta, City of (R.M. Clayton, Utoy Creek & South River WRCS)2023-02-15FultonAtlanta281 The Prado NE4,040Raw SewageGA0039012Collection SystemDebrisChattahoocheePeachtree Creek
Dawson, City of (Dawson WPCP)2023-02-13TerrellDawsonHighway 82 and Don Foster, Dawson10,080Raw SewageGA0021326Collection SystemWet weatherOcmulgeeBrantley Creek
Dekalb County Department of Watershed Management (Snapfinger Creek AWTF)2023-02-13DeKalbDecatur5185 Panola Industrial Boulevard, Decatur292,200Raw SewageGA0024147Collection SystemRagsOcmulgeePanthers Branch
Blackshear, City of (Blackshear WPCP)2023-02-12PierceBlackshearNorth Plant lift station to storm drain ditch.5,000Raw SewageLift StationWet weatherSatillaStorm drainage ditch
Blackshear, City of (Blackshear WPCP)2023-02-12PierceBlackshearNorth Plant lift station to storm drain ditch.5,000Raw SewageGAJ020001Lift StationWet weatherSatillaStorm drainage ditch
Cairo, City of (Cairo WPCP)2023-02-11GradyCairoNot yet Reported36,000Raw SewageGA0025771Collection SystemWet weatherOchlockoneeParker's Mill Creek
Ashburn, City of (Airport WPCP)2023-02-11TurnerAshburnMLK Liftstation3,000Raw SewageGA0025852Collection SystemWet weatherSuwanneeAshburn Branch
Vidalia, City of (South WPCP)2023-02-11ToombsVidaliaManhole located just east of Lift Station #2--Lift Station located on North Maple Dr. -- Approximate 1,875 gallons.1,875Raw SewageGAJ020100Collection SystemWet weatherAltamahaRocky Creek
Ashburn, City of (Airport WPCP)2023-02-11TurnerAshburnRockhouse and Sylvia Dr.200,000Raw SewageGA0025852Collection SystemWet weatherSuwanneeHat Creek
Cairo, City of (Cairo WPCP)2023-02-11GradyCairoNot yet Reported36,000Raw SewageGA0025771Collection SystemWet weatherOchlockoneeParker's Mill Creek
Vidalia, City of (South WPCP)2023-02-11ToombsVidaliaManhole located just east of Lift Station #2--Lift Station located on North Maple Dr. -- Approximate 1,875 gallons.1,875Raw SewageGAJ020100Collection SystemWet weatherAltamahaRocky Creek
Private Property2023-02-04DeKalbStone Mountain733 Wetherborn Place, Stone Mountain1Raw SewagePrivate LateralUnknownOcmulgeeDid Not Enter State Water
Walker County Water & Sewer Authority (Walker County WSA WPCP)2023-02-01WalkerFlintstone741 Old Chattanooga Valley Rd. Flintstone, GA 307253,000Raw SewageGA0020478WWTPPower failureDid not enter waters of the state
Ashburn, City of (Airport WPCP)2023-01-31TurnerAshburnRockdhouse Rd. and Sylvia Dr.120,000Raw SewageGA0025852Collection SystemWet weatherSuwanneeHat Creek
Atlanta, City of (R.M. Clayton, Utoy Creek & South River WRCS)2023-01-31FultonAtlanta680 Alex Way SW166Raw SewageGA0039012Collection SystemDebrisChattahoocheeUtoy Creek
Atlanta, City of (R.M. Clayton, Utoy Creek & South River WRCS)2023-01-31FultonAtlanta680 Alex Way SW166Raw SewageGA0039012Collection SystemDebrisChattahoocheeUtoy Creek
Plains, City of (Plains WPCP)2023-01-30SumterPlainsmanhole at influent at WWTP.7,500Raw SewageGA0020931WWTPWet weatherNot ApplicableDid Not Enter State Water
Ashburn, City of (Airport WPCP)2023-01-26TurnerAshburnMLK Lift Station2,000Raw SewageGA0025852Collection SystemEquipment failureSuwanneeAshburn Branch
Ashburn, City of (Airport WPCP)2023-01-26TurnerAshburnMLK Lift Station3,000Raw SewageGA0025852Collection SystemEquipment failureSuwanneeAshburn Branch
Dekalb County Department of Watershed Management (Snapfinger Creek AWTF)2023-01-22DeKalbdecatur1416 Cobb Branch Drive, Decatur507Raw SewageGA0024147Wet weatherUpper OcmulgeeCobb Creek
Dekalb County Department of Watershed Management (Snapfinger Creek AWTF)2023-01-22DeKalbdecatur3391 Warbler Dr, Decatur73,445Raw SewageGA0024147Wet weatherUpper OcmulgeeCobbs Creek
Dekalb County Department of Watershed Management (Snapfinger Creek AWTF)2023-01-22DeKalbdecatur2089 Garden Circle, Decatur3,075Raw SewageGA0024147Wet weatherUpper OcmulgeeDoolittle Creek
Cobb County Water System (R.L. Sutton WRF)2023-01-22FultonMarietta327 Patricia Ave, Marietta, GA 300604,500Raw SewageGA0026140Collection SystemDebrisChattahoocheeNickajack Creek
Vidalia, City of (South WPCP)2023-01-22ToombsVidaliaThe spills at lift station 6 and 26 include the following flows: Lift station 26 (Pleasure Ct) overflowed 750 gallons. Lift Station 6 (817 Barksdale Dr.) overflowed 13,500 gallons.14,250Raw SewageGAJ020100Lift StationWet weatherAltamahaRocky Creek
Dekalb County Department of Watershed Management (Snapfinger Creek AWTF)2023-01-22DeKalbdecatur2925 Misty Waters Dr, Decatur25,000Raw SewageGA0024147Wet weatherUpper OcmulgeeShoal Creek
Dekalb County Department of Watershed Management (Snapfinger Creek AWTF)2023-01-22DeKalbdecatur3230 Boring Rd, Decatur21,242Raw SewageGA0024147Wet weatherUpper OcmulgeeShoal Creek
Dekalb County Department of Watershed Management (Snapfinger Creek AWTF)2023-01-22DeKalbdecatur2480 Miriam Lane, Decatur152Raw SewageGA0024147Wet weatherUpper OcmulgeeShoal Creek
Dekalb County Department of Watershed Management (Snapfinger Creek AWTF)2023-01-22DeKalbdecatur3075 Thrasher Circle, Decatur10,247Raw SewageGA0024147Wet weatherUpper OcmulgeeShoal Creek
Dekalb County Department of Watershed Management (Snapfinger Creek AWTF)2023-01-22DeKalbdecatur2711 Fairlee Drive, Decatur4,981Raw SewageGA0024147Wet weatherUpper OcmulgeeShoal Creek
Dekalb County Department of Watershed Management (Snapfinger Creek AWTF)2023-01-22DeKalblithonia4557 Meadow Creek Path, Lithonia139,500Raw SewageGA0024147Wet weatherUpper OcmulgeeSnapfinger Creek
Dekalb County Department of Watershed Management (Snapfinger Creek AWTF)2023-01-22DeKalbdecatur607 3rd Avenue, Decatur341Raw SewageGA0024147Wet weatherUpper OcmulgeeSugar Creek
Jones County River North Subdivision Collection System2023-01-22JonesmaconThe spill occurred at the River North Lift Station #3 (Eagle). This location is behind the residence of 265 Eagle Drive in Macon Georgia, and to the south side of Eagle Lake. (GPS Coordinates: 32.930991, -83.66648722,015Raw SewageGAU060115Lift StationEquipment failureOcmulgeeTributary creek starting at the overflow of Eagle Lake in River North subdivision and then runs into Town Creek
Fulton County Department of Public Works (Big Creek WRF)2023-01-21FultonSouth Fulton3965 Makeover Court South Fulton, GA 303494,800Raw SewageGA0024333Collection SystemGreaseChattahoocheeMorning Creek
Dekalb County Department of Watershed Management (Snapfinger Creek AWTF)2023-01-21DeKalbstone mountain1741 Mountain Industrial Blvd, Stone Mt1,460Raw SewageGA0024147GreaseUpper OcmulgeeStone Mt Creek