
6. Reclamation plan. The DNM cover letter indicates that a notice of intent to mine was submitted to FDEP. The contents of this notice do not appear to have been submitted with the Special Exception application. No reclamation plan appears to be provided in the application other than grading the side slopes to no steeper than 1V:3H and a brief mention in the “fill activities” section of the Mining Impact Assessment Report which indicates that “clean fill may be used to reclaim the subject property back to the original agricultural use and existing grade.”

Item 3. SE 23-01 3RT Sand Mine
Packet: Levy County Planning Commission, with 3RT Sand Mine Special Exception application
10 July 2023
6. Reclamation plan. The DNM cover letter indicates that a notice of intent to mine was submitted to FDEP. The contents of this notice do not appear to have been submitted with the Special Exception application. No reclamation plan appears to be provided in the application other than grading the side slopes to no steeper than 1V:3H and a brief mention in the “fill activities” section of the Mining Impact Assessment Report which indicates that “clean fill may be used to reclaim the subject property back to the original agricultural use and existing grade.”
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