WWALS Watershed Coalition

WWALS Watershed Coalition, Inc. (WWALS) is Suwannee RIVERKEEPER® WWALS advocates for conservation and stewardship of the surface waters and groundwater of the Suwannee River Basin and Estuary, in south Georgia and north Florida, among them the Withlacoochee, Willacoochee, Alapaha, Little, Santa Fe, and Suwannee River watersheds, through education, awareness, environmental monitoring, and citizen activities.


GA-EPD GORA response about GA-EPD wastewater permit violations 2021-04-05 [Up]

 -jsq, John S. Quarterman, Suwannee RIVERKEEPER®

You can join this fun and work by becoming a WWALS member today!


[Catwalk, Outfall, Fecal coliform]
Catwalk, Outfall, Fecal coliform


GA-EPD: Notice of Violation — Major Spill City of Ray City Water Pollution Control Plant NPDES Permit No. GA0033553 Berrien County, Georgia Period: February 2021, March 18, 2021

[This Notice of Violation is issued to the City of Ray City for NPDES Permit violations reported]
This Notice of Violation is issued to the City of Ray City for NPDES Permit violations reported

[within 5 days: a written report on the incident (e), a copy of the required posted notice (c), and]
within 5 days: a written report on the incident (e), a copy of the required posted notice (c), and

City of Ray City, March 3, 2021

[On January 4, 2021, Ray City had a high rain fall event. On that day, due to the rain and a higher than average TSS]
On January 4, 2021, Ray City had a high rain fall event. On that day, due to the rain and a higher than average TSS

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GA-EPD: Notice of Violation —- Major Spill City of Ray City Water Pollution Contre] Plant NPDES Permit No. GA0033553 Berrien County, Georgia Period: January 2021, February 18, 2021

[This Notice of Violation is issued to the City of Ray City for NPDES Permit violations reported]
This Notice of Violation is issued to the City of Ray City for NPDES Permit violations reported

[copies of the notices to other agencies (b) and (d).]
copies of the notices to other agencies (b) and (d).

GA-EPD: Proposed Corrective Action Plan City of Ray City Water Pollution Control Plant NPDES Permit No. GA0033553 Berrien County, Georgia, November 12, 2020

[This office is in receipt of the November 5, 2020 correspondence which serves to address the September]
This office is in receipt of the November 5, 2020 correspondence which serves to address the September

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City of Ray City: Notice of Violation City of Ray City Water Pollution Control Plant (WPCP) NPDES Permit No. GA0033553 Berrien County, Georgia, November 2, 2020

[In response to your letter of September 22, 2020 and pursuant to our video conference on October 15, 2020 please]
In response to your letter of September 22, 2020 and pursuant to our video conference on October 15, 2020 please

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City of Ray City

[Thank you]
Thank you

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GA-EPD: Notice of Violation City of Ray City Water Pollution Control Plant (WPCP) NPDES Permit No. GA0033553 Berrien County, Georgia, September 22, 2020

[This Notice of Violation letter is being issued to the Ray City Water Pollution Control Plant for]
This Notice of Violation letter is being issued to the Ray City Water Pollution Control Plant for


City of Ray City, September 1, 2020

[Ray City acknowledges that we didn't meet minimum BOD percent removal for the month of July.]
Ray City acknowledges that we didn't meet minimum BOD percent removal for the month of July.

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GA-EPD: Letter of Non-Compliance City of Ray City Water Pollution Control Plant (WPCP) NPDES Permit No. GA0033553 Berrien County, Georgia Period: July 2020, August 25, 2020

[water pollution control facility requires that the facility monitor and report specific parameters. The]
water pollution control facility requires that the facility monitor and report specific parameters. The

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City of Ray City, August 3, 2020

[The City of Ray City recognizes that we did not meet BOD removal rate for the month of June.]
The City of Ray City recognizes that we did not meet BOD removal rate for the month of June.

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GA-EPD: Letter of Non-Compliance City of Ray. City Water Pollution Control Plant (WPCP) NPDES Permit No. GA0033553 Berrien County, Georgia Period: June 2020, July 21, 2020

[water pollution control facility requires that the facility monitor and report specific parameters. The]
water pollution control facility requires that the facility monitor and report specific parameters. The

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City of Ray City, 6/25/2020

[The City of Ray City acknowledges that we did not meet BOD percent removal for the month of]
The City of Ray City acknowledges that we did not meet BOD percent removal for the month of

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GA-EPD: Letter of Non-Compliance City of Ray City Water Pollution Control Plant (WPCP) NPDES Permit No. GA0033553 Berrien County, Georgia Periods: May 2020, June 24, 2020

[water pollution control facility requires that the facility monitor and report specific parameters. The]
water pollution control facility requires that the facility monitor and report specific parameters. The

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GA-EPD: Letter of Non-Compliance City of Ray City Water Pollution Control Plant (WPCP) NPDES Permit No. GA0033553 Berrien County, Georgia Periods: March 2020, April 22, 2020

[water pollution contro! facility requires that the facility monitor and report specific parameters. The]
water pollution contro! facility requires that the facility monitor and report specific parameters. The

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City of Ray City, April 16, 2020

[The City of Ray City recognizes that we went over our effluent limits for effluent BOD weekly average and BOD]
The City of Ray City recognizes that we went over our effluent limits for effluent BOD weekly average and BOD

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GA-EPD: Letter of Non-Compliance City of Ray City Water Pollution Control Plant NPDES Permit No. GA0033553 Berrien County, Georgia Period: February 2020, March 27, 2020

[water pollution control facility requires that the discharge meet certain specific effluent limitations.]
water pollution control facility requires that the discharge meet certain specific effluent limitations.

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City of Ray City, February 12, 2020

[The City of Ray City acknowledges that we exceeded our effluent flow limits for the period of 12/22/19 thru]
The City of Ray City acknowledges that we exceeded our effluent flow limits for the period of 12/22/19 thru

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GA-EPD: Letter of Non-Compliance City of Ray City Water Pollution Control Plant (WPCP) NPDES Permit No. GA0033553 Berrien County, Georgia Periods: December 2019, January 27, 2020

[water pollution control facility requires that the facility monitor and report specific parameters. The]
water pollution control facility requires that the facility monitor and report specific parameters. The

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GA-EPD: Letter of Non-Compliance City of Ray City Water Pollution Contro] Plant (WPCP) NPDES Permit No. GA0033553 Berrien County, Georgia Periods: November 2019, December 31, 2019

[water pollution control facility requires that the facility monitor and report specific parameters. The]
water pollution control facility requires that the facility monitor and report specific parameters. The

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City of Ray City, August 13, 2019

[The City of Ray City is working on the following:]
The City of Ray City is working on the following:

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GA-EPD: Proposed Corrective Action Plan City of Ray City Water Pollution Control Plant (WPCP) NPDES Permit No. GA0033553 Berrien County, Georgia, June 19, 2019

[‘This office is in receipt of the May 2, 2019 correspondence you submitted, which serves to address the]
‘This office is in receipt of the May 2, 2019 correspondence you submitted, which serves to address the

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City of Ray City, May 2, 2019

[The City of Ray City is working on the following:]
The City of Ray City is working on the following:

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GA-EPD: Letter of Non-Compliance City of Ray City Water Pollution Control Plant (WPCP) NPDES Permit No. GA0033553 Berrien County, Georgia Periods: March 2019, April 26, 2019

[water pollution contro! facility requires that the facility monitor and report specific parameters, The]
water pollution contro! facility requires that the facility monitor and report specific parameters, The

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GA-EPD: Notice of Violation City of Ray City Water Pollution Control Plant (WPCP) NPDES Permit No, GA0033553 Berrien County, Georgia, March 28, 2019

[This Notice of Violation letter is being issued to the City of Ray City Water Pollution Control Plant for]
This Notice of Violation letter is being issued to the City of Ray City Water Pollution Control Plant for

[Due to the frequency of monitoring violations that have occurred during the aforementioned compliance]
Due to the frequency of monitoring violations that have occurred during the aforementioned compliance

GA-EPD: Notice of Violation Letter . City of Ray City Water Pollution Control Plant NPDES Permit No. GA0033553 Berrien County, Georgia, March 28, 2019

[which failed to comply with permitted limitations for Effluent Flow during the reported compliance]
which failed to comply with permitted limitations for Effluent Flow during the reported compliance


City of Ray City, February 27, 2019

[This letter is in response to effluent requirement violations from the period of December 30, 2018 thru]
This letter is in response to effluent requirement violations from the period of December 30, 2018 thru

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GA-EPD: Notice of Violation City of Ray City Water Pollution Control Plant (WPCP) NPDES Permit No. GA0033553 Berrien County, Georgia Periods: January 2019, February 20, 2019

[water pollution control facility requires that the facility monitor and report specific parameters. The]
water pollution control facility requires that the facility monitor and report specific parameters. The


City of Ray City, February 27, 2019

[This letter is in response to effluent requirement violations from the period of December 2018.]
This letter is in response to effluent requirement violations from the period of December 2018.

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GA-EPD: Letter of Non-Compliance City of Ray City Water Pollution Control Plant (WPCP) NPDES Permit No. GA0033553 Berrien County, Georgia Periods: December 2018, January 31, 2019

[water pollution control facility requires that the facility monitor and report specific parameters. The]
water pollution control facility requires that the facility monitor and report specific parameters. The

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City of Ray City, September 20, 2018

[The City of Ray City is writing this letter in response to the letter of non-compliance for exceeded flow for the]
The City of Ray City is writing this letter in response to the letter of non-compliance for exceeded flow for the

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GA-EPD: Letter of Non-Compliance City of Ray City Water Pollution Control Plant (WPCP) NPDES Permit No. GA0033553 Berrien County, Georgia Period: July 2018, August 30, 2018

[Page 61]
Page 61

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City of Ray City, August 14, 2018

[The City of Ray City accepts that the flows for the months of May, June, and July were exceptionally high. With]
The City of Ray City accepts that the flows for the months of May, June, and July were exceptionally high. With

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GA-EPD: | Letter of Non-Compliance City of Ray City Water Pollution Control Plant (WPCP) NPDES Permit No. GA0033553 Berrien County, Georgia Period: May 2018 and June 2018, duly 31, 2018


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City of Ray City

[The City of Ray City recognizes that we went over the weekly average limit on flow for the period between]
The City of Ray City recognizes that we went over the weekly average limit on flow for the period between

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GA-EPD: Letter of Non-Compliance City of Ray City Water Pollution Control Plant NPDES Permit GA0033553 Berrien County, Georgia Period: September 2017, October 30, 2017


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City of Ray City

[The City of Ray City acknowledges that the fecal coliform limit was exceeded for the month of August.]
The City of Ray City acknowledges that the fecal coliform limit was exceeded for the month of August.

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GA-EPD: Letter of Non-Compliance City of Ray City Water Pollution Control Plant NPDES Permit No. GA0033553 Berrien County, Georgia Period: August 2017, September 19, 2017

[water pollution control facility requires that the discharge meet certain specific effluent limitations. A]
water pollution control facility requires that the discharge meet certain specific effluent limitations. A

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GA-EPD: Letter of Non-Compliance NPDES Compliance Evaluation Inspection City of Ray City Water Pollution Control Plant (WPCP) NPDES Permit No. GA0033553, July 6, 2016

[On June 28, 2016, I conducted a routine National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System]
On June 28, 2016, I conducted a routine National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System


[On aw]
On aw

[Page 78]
Page 78

[Page 79]
Page 79

[2. Number of ponds: 1 pond; three cells (4' designed operating depth) _]
2. Number of ponds: 1 pond; three cells (4' designed operating depth) _

[1. Number of primary influent flow measuring devices: 0]
1. Number of primary influent flow measuring devices: 0

[Page 82]
Page 82

[temperatures are not being recording during analysis; and is required. Sampling and calibration records associated with compliance]
temperatures are not being recording during analysis; and is required. Sampling and calibration records associated with compliance

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GA-EPD: Follow-up visit for Municipal Compliance Evaluation Inspection (June 28, 2016)

[I visited the WPCP this date to determine compliance with item #2 of the referenced CEI which needed]
I visited the WPCP this date to determine compliance with item #2 of the referenced CEI which needed

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[Pictures of newly placed outfall sign and of the outfall into Cat Creek]
Pictures of newly placed outfall sign and of the outfall into Cat Creek

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[Pictures of portable throw ring on effluent catwalk and vegetation that had been removed]
Pictures of portable throw ring on effluent catwalk and vegetation that had been removed

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[Pictures of the pond with more vegetation that needs to be removed]
Pictures of the pond with more vegetation that needs to be removed

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[WWTP Flow Calibration, August and September 2016]
WWTP Flow Calibration, August and September 2016

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GA-EPD: Consent Order EPD-WQ-8265 City of Ray City Water Pollution Control Plant (WPCP) NPDES Permit No. GA0033553 Berrien County

[The Georgia Environmental Protection Division (EPD) has received signed Consent Order No. EPD-WQ-8265 (Order). The Respondent will be expected to comply with all]
The Georgia Environmental Protection Division (EPD) has received signed Consent Order No. EPD-WQ-8265 (Order). The Respondent will be expected to comply with all

[WHEREAS, Section 12-5-29(a) of the Georgia Water Quality Control Act (Act) makes it]
WHEREAS, Section 12-5-29(a) of the Georgia Water Quality Control Act (Act) makes it

[NOW, THEREFORE, the Director ORDERS and the Respondent AGREES to do the]
NOW, THEREFORE, the Director ORDERS and the Respondent AGREES to do the

[It is so ORDERED, CONSENTED, and AGREED TO this - \% day of]
It is so ORDERED, CONSENTED, and AGREED TO this - \% day of