WWALS Watershed Coalition

WWALS Watershed Coalition, Inc. (WWALS) is Suwannee RIVERKEEPER® WWALS advocates for conservation and stewardship of the surface waters and groundwater of the Suwannee River Basin and Estuary, in south Georgia and north Florida, among them the Withlacoochee, Willacoochee, Alapaha, Little, Santa Fe, and Suwannee River watersheds, through education, awareness, environmental monitoring, and citizen activities.


Videos: Valdosta trash tour again 2023-05-23 [Up]

You can help with clean, swimmable, fishable, drinkable, water in the 10,000-square-mile Suwannee River Basin in Florida and Georgia by becoming a WWALS member today!



[Valdosta Trash Examples 2023-05-23]
Valdosta Trash Examples 2023-05-23


[Lee Street Detention Pond Trash Trap, One Mile Branch, 2023:05:23 15:06:33, 30.8467600, -83.2779650]
Lee Street Detention Pond Trash Trap, One Mile Branch, 2023:05:23 15:06:33, 30.8467600, -83.2779650

[Erosion at Lee Street Detention Pond Trash Trap, One Mile Branch, 2023:05:23 15:06:52, 30.8467603, -83.2779651]
Erosion at Lee Street Detention Pond Trash Trap, One Mile Branch, 2023:05:23 15:06:52, 30.8467603, -83.2779651


[Malia Thomas, VDT, at Mega Mart parking lot drain into One Mile Branch above Lee Street, 2023:05:23 15:11:18, 30.8494415, -83.2777837]
Malia Thomas, VDT, at Mega Mart parking lot drain into One Mile Branch above Lee Street, 2023:05:23 15:11:18, 30.8494415, -83.2777837

[Context, Malia Thomas, VDT, at Mega Mart parking lot drain into One Mile Branch above Lee Street, 2023:05:23 15:11:15, 30.8494536, -83.2778118]
Context, Malia Thomas, VDT, at Mega Mart parking lot drain into One Mile Branch above Lee Street, 2023:05:23 15:11:15, 30.8494536, -83.2778118

[Mega Mart parking lot drain into One Mile Branch above Lee Street, 2023:05:23 15:11:07, 30.8494050, -83.2777030]
Mega Mart parking lot drain into One Mile Branch above Lee Street, 2023:05:23 15:11:07, 30.8494050, -83.2777030


[Styrofoam cup, 2023:05:23 15:12:24, 30.8493750, -83.2776780]
Styrofoam cup, 2023:05:23 15:12:24, 30.8493750, -83.2776780

[Trash by One Mile Branch, 2023:05:23 15:12:28, 30.8493750, -83.2776780]
Trash by One Mile Branch, 2023:05:23 15:12:28, 30.8493750, -83.2776780

[Zacadoo's cup, 2023:05:23 15:12:38, 30.8494310, -83.2774400]
Zacadoo's cup, 2023:05:23 15:12:38, 30.8494310, -83.2774400

[Look at that, Azalea City Trail at One Mile Branch, above Lee Street]
Look at that, Azalea City Trail at One Mile Branch, above Lee Street

[Movie: Azalea City Trail near Lee Street Mega Mart, One Mile Branch (146M)]
Movie: Azalea City Trail near Lee Street Mega Mart, One Mile Branch (146M)

[No, not fixed --Malia Thomas at Azalea City Trail at One Mile Branch above Lee Street]
No, not fixed --Malia Thomas at Azalea City Trail at One Mile Branch above Lee Street

[Movie: Notices to parking lot owners (55M)]
Movie: Notices to parking lot owners (55M)

[Movie: No screen at Mega Mart dumpster (165M)]
Movie: No screen at Mega Mart dumpster (165M)

[Not a trash expert, but it does not look fixed --Malia Thomas]
Not a trash expert, but it does not look fixed --Malia Thomas

[Zacadoos by One Mile Branch below Mega Mart dumpster]
Zacadoos by One Mile Branch below Mega Mart dumpster

[Trash below Mega Mart dumpster at One Mile Branch]
Trash below Mega Mart dumpster at One Mile Branch

[Bright & Early HiC carton at One Mile Branch below Lee Street]
Bright & Early HiC carton at One Mile Branch below Lee Street

[Movie: Bright & Early drink carton (16M)]
Movie: Bright & Early drink carton (16M)


[Malia Thomas, VDT, Rules of the Trail, Azalea City Trail at Lee Street, 2023:05:23 15:19:36, 30.8488771, -83.2780462]
Malia Thomas, VDT, Rules of the Trail, Azalea City Trail at Lee Street, 2023:05:23 15:19:36, 30.8488771, -83.2780462

[Rules of the Trail, Azalea City Trail at Lee Street, 2023:05:23 15:19:14, 30.8488771, -83.2780462]
Rules of the Trail, Azalea City Trail at Lee Street, 2023:05:23 15:19:14, 30.8488771, -83.2780462

16 - 20

[Movie: Yikes! Trash between Azalea City Trail and One Mile Branch below Lee Street, plus Zacadoos, 2023:05:23 15:19:14, 30.8488771, -83.2780462 (120M)]
Movie: Yikes! Trash between Azalea City Trail and One Mile Branch below Lee Street, plus Zacadoos, 2023:05:23 15:19:14, (120M) 30.8488771, -83.2780462

[Kentucky Fried Chicken cup, 2023:05:23 15:22:52, 30.8483960, -83.2784610]
Kentucky Fried Chicken cup, 2023:05:23 15:22:52, 30.8483960, -83.2784610

[Another Zacadoo's cup, 2023:05:23 15:25:58, 30.8493880, -83.2779230]
Another Zacadoo's cup, 2023:05:23 15:25:58, 30.8493880, -83.2779230


[Malia Thomas, VDT, Browns Canal east of N Toombs Street, 2023:05:23 15:48:33, 30.8356715, -83.2828164]
Malia Thomas, VDT, Browns Canal east of N Toombs Street, 2023:05:23 15:48:33, 30.8356715, -83.2828164

[Browns Canal east of N Toombs Street, 2023:05:23 15:48:27, 30.8356715, -83.2828164]
Browns Canal east of N Toombs Street, 2023:05:23 15:48:27, 30.8356715, -83.2828164

[N Thoombs Street culvert, Browns Canal, police cars, 2023:05:23 15:48:43, 30.8356715, -83.2828164]
N Thoombs Street culvert, Browns Canal, police cars, 2023:05:23 15:48:43, 30.8356715, -83.2828164

[LODAC, 601 N. Toombs St., by Browns Canal, 2023:05:23 15:49:35, 30.8358413, -83.2829765]
LODAC, 601 N. Toombs St., by Browns Canal, 2023:05:23 15:49:35, 30.8358413, -83.2829765


[Downstream, N. Toombs St. culvert, Browns Canal, 2023:05:23 15:50:05, 30.8358413, -83.2829765]
Downstream, N. Toombs St. culvert, Browns Canal, 2023:05:23 15:50:05, 30.8358413, -83.2829765

[Browns Canal by VPD HQ, 2023:05:23 15:50:08, 30.8358413, -83.2829765]
Browns Canal by VPD HQ, 2023:05:23 15:50:08, 30.8358413, -83.2829765

[Plastic bottle in Browns Canal at N. Toombs Street, 2023:05:23 15:50:51, 30.8357190, -83.2830340]
Plastic bottle in Browns Canal at N. Toombs Street, 2023:05:23 15:50:51, 30.8357190, -83.2830340


[Trash pile, Pullman Street, between S. Oak Street and Pullman Street, 2023:05:23 15:57:15, 30.8215559, -83.2775839]
Trash pile, Pullman Street, between S. Oak Street and Pullman Street, 2023:05:23 15:57:15, 30.8215559, -83.2775839

[Trash detail, 812 S Toombs Street, 2023:05:23 15:57:31, 30.8215560, -83.2775840]
Trash detail, 812 S Toombs Street, 2023:05:23 15:57:31, 30.8215560, -83.2775840

[Trash looking east on Pullman Street towards S. Toombs Street, 2023:05:23 15:57:45, 30.8215560, -83.2775840]
Trash looking east on Pullman Street towards S. Toombs Street, 2023:05:23 15:57:45, 30.8215560, -83.2775840

[Pill botles and a doll, 2023:05:23 15:58:44, 30.8216330, -83.2776140]
Pill botles and a doll, 2023:05:23 15:58:44, 30.8216330, -83.2776140

[Beyond the trashy doll, 2023:05:23 15:58:53, 30.8216330, -83.2776140]
Beyond the trashy doll, 2023:05:23 15:58:53, 30.8216330, -83.2776140

[A fire extinguisher?, 2023:05:23 15:59:00, 30.8216330, -83.2776140]
A fire extinguisher?, 2023:05:23 15:59:00, 30.8216330, -83.2776140


[Dukes Bay Canal east of S. Oak Street, 2023:05:23 16:00:57, 30.8237493, -83.2787199]
Dukes Bay Canal east of S. Oak Street, 2023:05:23 16:00:57, 30.8237493, -83.2787199

[Styrofoam box in Dukes Bay Canal, e. of S. Oak Street, 2023:05:23 16:00:54, 30.8237493, -83.2787199]
Styrofoam box in Dukes Bay Canal, e. of S. Oak Street, 2023:05:23 16:00:54, 30.8237493, -83.2787199

[Trash in Dukes Bay Canal, e. of S. Oak Street, 2023:05:23 16:00:51, 30.8237493, -83.2787199]
Trash in Dukes Bay Canal, e. of S. Oak Street, 2023:05:23 16:00:51, 30.8237493, -83.2787199

[Dukes Bay Canal, east of Oak Street, across from Southside Rec Center]
Dukes Bay Canal, east of Oak Street, across from Southside Rec Center

[Cook Out cup in Dukes Bay Canal, east of Oak Street, across from Southside Rec Center]
Cook Out cup in Dukes Bay Canal, east of Oak Street, across from Southside Rec Center

[Movie: Cookout Cup, Dukes Bay Canal, e. of Southside Rec Center (92M)]
Movie: Cookout Cup, Dukes Bay Canal, e. of Southside Rec Center (92M)

[Dukes Bay Canal by Southside Rec Center]
Dukes Bay Canal by Southside Rec Center

[Trash in Dukes Bay Canal, west of Oak Street, by Southside Rec Center]
Trash in Dukes Bay Canal, west of Oak Street, by Southside Rec Center

[Movie: Trash, Dukes Bay Canal, w. of Oak Street, Southside Rec Center (67M)]
Movie: Trash, Dukes Bay Canal, w. of Oak Street, Southside Rec Center (67M)


[Movie: Detention Pond, Baytree Road, Sugar Creek (34M)]
Movie: Detention Pond, Baytree Road, Sugar Creek (34M)

[Movie: Bandaid on a flesh wound, field fence for trash, detention pond, Baytree Road, Sugar Creek (58M)]
Movie: Bandaid on a flesh wound, field fence for trash, detention pond, Baytree Road, Sugar Creek (58M)

[Trash at outflow of detention pond, Baytree Road at Sugar Creek]
Trash at outflow of detention pond, Baytree Road at Sugar Creek

[Outflow, detention pond, Baytree Road into Sugar Creek]
Outflow, detention pond, Baytree Road into Sugar Creek

[Movie: Trash at outflow, detention pond, Baytree Road]
Movie: Trash at outflow, detention pond, Baytree Road


[WaterGoat, Berkley Drive, Two Mile Branch, 2023:05:23 16:29:00, 30.8635051, -83.3019380]
WaterGoat, Berkley Drive, Two Mile Branch, 2023:05:23 16:29:00, 30.8635051, -83.3019380


[Trash along University Drive near Moody Drive, 2023:05:23 16:41:43, 30.8650276, -83.2837872]
Trash along University Drive near Moody Drive, 2023:05:23 16:41:43, 30.8650276, -83.2837872

[Context, Trash along University Drive near Moody Drive, 2023:05:23 16:41:37, 30.8650276, -83.2837872]
Context, Trash along University Drive near Moody Drive, 2023:05:23 16:41:37, 30.8650276, -83.2837872


[Trash by One Mile Branch on University Drive, 2023:05:23 16:43:15, 30.8682336, -83.2847355]
Trash by One Mile Branch on University Drive, 2023:05:23 16:43:15, 30.8682336, -83.2847355

[One Mile Branch below University Drive, 2023:05:23 16:43:25, 30.8682336, -83.2847355]
One Mile Branch below University Drive, 2023:05:23 16:43:25, 30.8682336, -83.2847355

[Culvert, One Mile Branch, University Drive, 2023:05:23 16:43:37, 30.8682340, -83.2847360]
Culvert, One Mile Branch, University Drive, 2023:05:23 16:43:37, 30.8682340, -83.2847360