Pictures: WWALS on The Rocks between Lakeland and Hotchkiss, Alapaha River 2015-07-11.
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Collage, Lakeland to Naylor 08:30:00, 31.0458222, -83.0433889
Chris Graham, Bret Wagenhorst's guest, Deanna Mericle, at Lakeland Boat Ramp, --GQ C2 08:38:13, 31.0458222, -83.0433889
Phaeotremella foliacea, a fungus parasitic on the mycelium of Stereum sanguinolentum, a fungus that grows on dead attached and recently fallen branches of conifers, --GQ C2 08:34:10, 31.0448944, -83.0448611
Sofa, --GQ C2 08:46:03, 31.0421528, -83.0446083
Upstream, South access, Paffords Landing, --GQ C2 08:48:28, 31.0421528, -83.0446083
Downstream, south access, Paffords Landing, --GQ C2 08:48:57, 31.0421083, -83.0446611
South access, Paffords Landing, Alapaha River, --GQ C2 08:48:35, 31.0421528, -83.0446083
Beach across from Paffords Landing, --GQ C2 08:48:40, 31.0421083, -83.0446389
Posted, No Trespassing, Pinecrest Wildlife Management, No Hunting, --GQ C2 08:48:51, 31.0420889, -83.0446778
Palmettos, Paffords Landing, --GQ C2 08:50:16, 31.0424944, -83.0438472
Tire, Paffords Landing, --GQ C2 08:53:33, 31.0434222, -83.0432500
Embarking, Lakeland Boat Ramp, --GQ C2 09:05:24, 31.0458861, -83.0436083
Hats on, --GQ C2 09:05:42, 31.0458917, -83.0435556
Bret Wagenhorst and guest, --GQ C2 09:08:07, 31.0458806, -83.0435722
Many roots, --GQ C2 09:11:26, 31.0495778, -83.0431278
Just below Lakeland Boat Ramp, --jsq 09:11:04
Shirley Kokidko and the flotilla --GQ C1, 08:22:58
Two boats at Lakeland-Waycross Power Line --GQ C1, 08:39:19, 31.0401320, -83.0460730
Lakeland-Waycross Power Line, --jsq 09:22:57, 31.0401320, -83.0460730
Deadfall on right bank, --jsq 09:36:16, 31.0349178, -83.0490417
Gretchen Quarterman at eroded sand, --jsq 09:39:07, 31.0320000, -83.0485000
Wrested vegetation, --jsq 09:41:59, 31.0291138, -83.0475540
Caught a fish, --jsq 09:45:06, 31.0291138, -83.0475540
Impressive trees, --GQ C2 09:49:05, 31.0261528, -83.0471417
Red swirls, --GQ C2 09:49:18, 31.0260722, -83.0471417
A seep from the riverbank, --GQ C2 09:54:46, 31.0247194, -83.0474472
Privet?, --GQ C2, 10:03:44, 31.0229500, -83.0729444
IMG 1251, --GQ C2, 10:03:55, 31.0216611, -83.0430667
IMG 1252, --GQ C2, 10:03:58, 31.0216611, -83.0430667
IMG 1253, --GQ C2, 10:04:03, 31.0216611, -83.0430667
IMG 1254, --GQ C2, 10:04:06, 31.0216611, -83.0430667
IMG 1255, --GQ C2, 10:04:29, 31.0216611, -83.0430667
IMG 1256, --GQ C2, 10:04:32, 31.0216611, -83.0430667
Beach and deadfalls --GQ C1, 08:42:18
Around right bank beach --GQ C1, 08:45:01
Tree with exposed roots --GQ C1, 08:45:11
Bret Wagenhorst and guest --GQ C1, 08:47:33
Beach with tree --GQ C1, 08:48:12
Cypress knees --GQ C1, 08:49:56
Gnarly tree --GQ C1, 08:50:12
Eroded sand --GQ C1, 08:53:52, 31.0349178, -83.0490417
Footprints in sand --GQ C1, 08:55:08
Narrow spot --GQ C1, 09:03:50
Imposing tree --GQ C1, 09:04:24
Idyllic river --GQ C1, 09:04:41
One paddler --GQ C1, 09:17:14
Four paddlers --GQ C1, 09:17:21
Five paddlers --GQ C1, 09:18:03
Deadfalls on right bank --GQ C1, 09:28:03
Bend to the left --GQ C1, 09:29:00
Undercut left bank --GQ C1, 09:44:29, 31.0218258, -83.0336533
Pogo's nose, right bank, with five paddlers --GQ C1, 09:45:07, 31.0218258, -83.0336533
Deadfall across river --GQ C1, 09:55:13
Dragonfly, --jsq 10:14:24, 31.0212669, -83.0412445
Undercut bank, --jsq 10:28:30, 31.0218258, -83.0336533
Deadfall across river, --jsq 10:41:19, 31.0188293, -83.0349274
Bird Tracks, --jsq 10:53:50, 31.0171413, -83.0324783
Deadfall on left bank, --jsq 11:07:51, 31.0171413, -83.0324783
Climb over deadfall, --GQ C2, 11:16:02, 31.0150194, -83.0341111
Happy paddler, --jsq 11:25:05, 31.0148659, -83.0340423
Eroded bluff, --GQ C2, 11:44:06, 31.0097306, -83.0307694
Sand bank, --jsq 11:44:58, 31.0099087, -83.0301666
Lunch beach, --GQ C2 12:16:48, 31.0084278, -83.0229639
Lunching, --jsq 12:25:52, 31.0098743, -83.0301590
Swimmer at lunch beach, --GQ C2 12:38:16, 31.0175139, -83.0577389
Portrait lunch beach, --GQ C2 12:38:43, 31.0083250, -83.0229722
Landscape lunch beach, --GQ C2 12:38:48, 31.0083250, -83.0229722
Shirley Lunch beach, --GQ C2 12:39:03, 31.0083333, -83.0229639
Movie: Joking at lunch, --jsq 12:40:00, (13M) 30.9396896, -83.0426636
Banner: Chris and Deanna Mericle, Gretchen Quarterman, Mike Sims Jr., Chris Graham, Shirley Kokidko, --jsq 12:42:10, 31.0082779, -83.0231476
jsq selfie Banner: Chris and Deanna Mericle, Gretchen Quarterman, Mike Sims Jr., Chris Graham, Shirley Kokidko, --jsq 12:42:25, 31.0082779, -83.0231476
Chris and Deanna Mericle, jsq, Mike Sims Jr., Chris Graham, Shirley Kokido, WWALS banner, --GQ C2 12:43:10, 31.0083000, -83.0231028
Chris and Deanna Mericle, jsq, Mike Sims Jr., Chris Graham, Shirley Kokido, WWALS banner, --GQ C2 12:43:14, 31.0083000, -83.0231028
jsq selfie with WWALS banner, --GQ C2 12:42:48, 31.0082861, -83.0231167
Gretchen taking a banner picture, --jsq 12:43:14, 31.0082760, -83.0231476
Owl, --GQ C2 12:49:25, 31.0074889, -83.0226583
Fish beds, --jsq 12:57:20, 31.0059757, -83.0218811
Portrait platform, left bank, --GQ C2 13:01:05, 31.0054500, -83.0205222
Closeup platform on left bank, --jsq 13:01:05, 31.0051000, -83.0206500
Platform on left bank, --jsq 13:00:28, 31.0054245, -83.0205154
jsq, platform, left bank, --GQ C2 13:01:07, 31.0054500, -83.0205222
light platform, --GQ C2 13:01:53, 31.0051944, -83.0206833
dark platform, --GQ C2 13:01:56, 31.0051722, -83.0207056
Steep bluff, --GQ C2 13:48:42, 30.9841583, -83.0291444
Bend to the left, --jsq 13:49:33, 30.9834862, -83.0294494
Red sand --GQ C1, 09:57:56
White sand --GQ C1, 09:59:35
Chris Mericle swimming --GQ C1, 09:59:59
Disembarking at a log --GQ C1, 10:28:38
jsq with WWALS sign --GQ C1, 10:28:48
Red boat boofing across log --GQ C1, 10:28:51
Shirley Kokidko on the log --GQ C1, 10:28:54
Scouting the Rocks --GQ C1, 13:07:47
Small island at The Rocks, --jsq 13:52:30, 30.9829540, -83.0292511
Chris Graham getting ready at The Rocks --GQ C1, 13:10:36
Movie: Chris Graham --GQ C1, jsq, through The Rocks, 13:10:37 (37M)
The Rocks, --jsq 13:57:43, 30.9829006, -83.0293197
The Rocks white water, --jsq 13:58:43, 30.9822082, -83.0297928
Gretchen Quarterman through The Rocks, 13:59:31, 30.9823131, -83.0297851
Gretchen Shooting The Rocks, --jsq 13:59:31, 30.9823131, -83.0297851
Movie: Gretchen through The Rocks --jsq, (61M) 30.9823131, -83.0297851
Movie: Mike Sims Jr. through The Rocks --jsq, (31M) 30.9823131, -83.0297851
Movie: Deanna Mericle through The Rocks (5.2M)
Movie: Deanna Mericle through The Rocks --jsq, (33M) 30.9823131, -83.0297851
Movie: Shirley Kokidko through The Rocks (14M)
Movie: Shirley through The Rocks --jsq, (2.6M) 30.9823131, -83.0297851
Movie: Shirley Kokidko sideways through The Rocks --jsq, (32M) 30.9823131, -83.0297851
Movie: Chris Mericle through The Rocks (5.0M)
Movie: Chris Mericle through The Rocks --jsq, (33M) 30.9823131, -83.0297851
Five through The Rocks, --jsq 14:01:52, 30.9823799, -83.0297394
After The Rocks --GQ C1, 13:18:27
Crossbeam, --GQ C2 14:11:07, 30.9787056, -83.0305250
River South Holdings house, --GQ C2 14:11:56, 30.9781694, -83.0304722
Gretchen below a bluff, --jsq 14:12:06, 30.9780000, -83.0307000
Weeds on sand bank, --GQ C2 14:18:40, 30.9752472, -83.0337528
Nice beach, right bank, --jsq 14:18:46, 30.9753990, -83.0340194
Plant on a beach, right bank, --jsq 14:34:38, 30.9716434, -83.0359421
Gretchen at a hairpin right bend, --jsq 14:35:58, 30.9716072, -83.0359421
Mike Sims Jr., Chris M., Chris G. --GQ C1, 13:21:26
Rocky bluff --GQ C1, 13:23:03
Deadfall on right bank --GQ C1, 13:42:23
Under some overhanging trees --GQ C1, 13:57:37
More red sand --GQ C1, 13:59:53
Canopy river --GQ C1, 14:17:44
Movie: jsq in the Alapaha River --GQ C1, 14:17:45 (5.0M)
Dead Tree, --GQ C2 15:10:09, 30.9599944, -83.0357444
Beach and house off Purvis Lane, --GQ C2 15:11:54, 30.9592028, -83.0370944
House off of Purvis Lane, MOORE VIRGIL L, 745 GOOD HOPE RD, NAYLOR, GA 31641, --jsq 15:14:45, 30.9590339, -83.0369644
Concrete on bank, --GQ C2 15:16:02, 30.9588056, -83.0381250
Right around a sand spit --GQ C1, 14:42:01
Projecting tree, right bank --GQ C1, 14:45:13
Under an overhanding tree --GQ C1, 15:10:45
Left bank near Cherry Creek --GQ C1, 15:14:09
jsq approaching a beach --GQ C1, 15:16:45
Tree island --GQ C1, 15:19:03
Straight stretch, --GQ C2 15:27:55, 30.9574333, -83.0367889
Deadfall, left bank, straight stretch, --GQ C2 15:28:20, 30.9572917, -83.0366528
IMG 1317, --GQ C2 15:41:54, 30.9604500, -83.0316611
IMG 1318, --GQ C2 15:41:56, 30.9526500, -83.0409694
House, right bank, --GQ C2 15:42:48, 30.9522222, -83.0412667
Closeup house, right bank, --GQ C2 15:43:12, 30.9520250, -83.0413139
Concrete slabs below house, right bank, --GQ C2 15:43:22, 30.9519556, -83.0413056
More concrete slabs, --GQ C2 15:43:46, 30.9517583, -83.0411611
Another house off Purvis Lane, MOORE RAYMOND L & WENDY, --jsq 104 GANAS RD, NAYLOR, GA 31641, 15:44:28, 30.9522838, -83.0412826
Trees at Cherry Creek, --jsq 16:05:06, 30.9396896, -83.0426636
Boats in truck at Hotchkiss Road Landing, --GQ C2 16:17:31, 30.9370083, -83.0406583