WWALS Watershed Coalition

WWALS Watershed Coalition, Inc. (WWALS) is Suwannee RIVERKEEPER® WWALS advocates for conservation and stewardship of the surface waters and groundwater of the Suwannee River Basin and Estuary, in south Georgia and north Florida, among them the Withlacoochee, Willacoochee, Alapaha, Little, Santa Fe, and Suwannee River watersheds, through education, awareness, environmental monitoring, and citizen activities.


FL state Sen. Montford in Madison about Valdosta sewage 2020-01-08 [Up]

 -jsq, John S. Quarterman, Suwannee RIVERKEEPER®

You can join this fun and work by becoming a WWALS member today!



[Movie: Adding more chairs (9.2M)]
Movie: Adding more chairs (9.2M)

[Movie: Full house (7.4M)]
Movie: Full house (7.4M)

[Movie: Sen. Montford, Rep. Brannan, Rep. Shoaf, EPA (200M)]
Movie: Sen. Montford, Rep. Brannan, Rep. Shoaf, EPA (200M)

[Movie: FDEP, EPA, Task Force, FDOH, staffers for Sen. Rubio, Rep. Lawson (167M)]
Movie: FDEP, EPA, Task Force, FDOH, staffers for Sen. Rubio, Rep. Lawson (167M)


[Movie: Task Force letter with asks for state legislators and EPA (188M)]
Movie: Task Force letter with asks for state legislators and EPA (188M)

[Movie: We want action now. --Sen. Montford(58M)]
Movie: We want action now. --Sen. Montford(58M)

Not many answers

[Movie: Task Force asks, FDEP passes the buck (95M)]
Movie: Task Force asks, FDEP passes the buck (95M)

[Movie: FDEP water testing, EPA and GA-EPD Consent Order(s) (500M)]
Movie: FDEP water testing, EPA and GA-EPD Consent Order(s) (500M)

[Movie: 220 years to fix? --Brannan New Order with better oversight --EPA (102M)]
Movie: 220 years to fix? --Brannan New Order with better oversight --EPA (102M)

[Movie: Permitting of
Movie: Permitting of

[Movie: Fines? Lawsuits? EPA answer questions? (331M)]
Movie: Fines? Lawsuits? EPA answer questions? (331M)

[Movie: Phosphate mine gets attention, so this should, too --Hamilton County (115M)]
Movie: Phosphate mine gets attention, so this should, too --Hamilton County (115M)


[Movie: How to inform people? --Teena Kulakowski, Florida Campsites (128M)]
Movie: How to inform people? --Teena Kulakowski, Florida Campsites (128M)

[Movie: Help us with the E. coli with systems --James McBrayer, Hamilton Co. (202M)]
Movie: Help us with the E. coli with systems --James McBrayer, Hamilton Co. (202M)

[Movie: Only one Hamilton Co. well had E. coli (29M)]
Movie: Only one Hamilton Co. well had E. coli (29M)

[Movie: Need testing, filters, funding, and information --Chris Mericle, Hamilton Co. (136M)]
Movie: Need testing, filters, funding, and information --Chris Mericle, Hamilton Co. (136M)

[Movie: Wells how far from Withlacoochee? --Sandy and counties (150M)]
Movie: Wells how far from Withlacoochee? --Sandy and counties (150M)

[Movie: Refinanced her house to buy filtration --Debbie (231M)]
Movie: Refinanced her house to buy filtration --Debbie (231M)

[Movie: Lost tourism revenue --Phyllis Williams, Madco Chamber & Tourism (47M)]
Movie: Lost tourism revenue --Phyllis Williams, Madco Chamber & Tourism (47M)

[Movie: Brooks & Lowndes Co. GA weren't informed --Donnie Waldrep, Madco (32M)]
Movie: Brooks & Lowndes Co. GA weren't informed --Donnie Waldrep, Madco (32M)

[Movie: Need ongoing testing and timely publication --Suwannee Riverkeeper (253M)]
Movie: Need ongoing testing and timely publication --Suwannee Riverkeeper (253M)

[Movie: Help with well testing, filtration, and 6 Hamco wells E. coli --Debbie (?) (197M)]
Movie: Help with well testing, filtration, and 6 Hamco wells E. coli --Debbie (?) (197M)

[Movie: Does contamination spread underground? --Stew Lilker (124M)]
Movie: Does contamination spread underground? --Stew Lilker (124M)

Other Side

[Nathan Dean of WTXL next to Suwannee Riverkeeper table]
Nathan Dean of WTXL next to Suwannee Riverkeeper table