WWALS Watershed Coalition

WWALS Watershed Coalition, Inc. (WWALS) is Suwannee RIVERKEEPER® WWALS advocates for conservation and stewardship of the surface waters and groundwater of the Suwannee River Basin and Estuary, in south Georgia and north Florida, among them the Withlacoochee, Willacoochee, Alapaha, Little, Santa Fe, and Suwannee River watersheds, through education, awareness, environmental monitoring, and citizen activities.


WWALS Training for water quality testing, Drexel Park, Onemile Branch, Valdosta, GA 2021-02-13 [Up]

You can join this fun and work by becoming a WWALS member today!



[Test kit]
Test kit

[Cooler and kit]
Cooler and kit

At the creek

[Onemile Branch]
Onemile Branch

[Bobby McKenzie with a bucket]
Bobby McKenzie with a bucket

[Sampling Onemile Branch]
Sampling Onemile Branch

On the bridge

[Can throw the bucket off the bridge]
Can throw the bucket off the bridge


[Whirlpak in bucket]
Whirlpak in bucket

[Bucket and WhirlPak]
Bucket and WhirlPak

[Other tests from bucket]
Other tests from bucket

[Bobby McKenzie, Michael Bachrach]
Bobby McKenzie, Michael Bachrach

[Studying a sample]
Studying a sample


[Testing going on]
Testing going on

[Apply chemicals]
Apply chemicals

[Drop by drop]
Drop by drop

[That looks right]
That looks right

[Checking pH colors]
Checking pH colors

[How does this look?]
How does this look?

[Comparing samples]
Comparing samples




[Table of testers]
Table of testers

[More cooperation]
More cooperation

[More testing]
More testing



[Colors developing]
Colors developing

[Different colors]
Different colors

[Sample unclouding]
Sample unclouding

[Apply chemical]
Apply chemical

[The family that tests together]
The family that tests together

[Start them early]
Start them early

[Almost done]
Almost done


Some humor

[Movie: How not to use your PetriFilm (40M)]
Movie: How not to use your PetriFilm (40M)