This is the proposal to form a Withlacoochee River Water Trail Committee that was approved unanimously 13 May 2015 by the WWALS Executive Committee.
The first WRWT Committee meeting is 7:30 PM Monday June 22nd 2015. If interested, please contact WRWT Committee Chair Chris Mericle,
Proposal to the WWALS Executive Committee
For the Formation of the
Withlacoochee River Water Trail Committee
The mission of this committee is to develop and promote a recreational water trail along the Withlacoochee and Little Rivers for all to enjoy. (This statement will be looked at and possibly modified in the first few meetings of the committee)
What we hope to accomplish by creating the water trail:
Preserve the springs, river and watershed by promoting awareness
Enhance the river experience for all visitors, with maps, signs/kiosks, website and brochures detailing the features along the trail
Encourage water trail visitors to respect private property, wildlife, and other visitors.
Increase Eco-tourism, which helps local businesses
Promote ethical conduct that will encourage people to take care of their rivers and other water resources
To accomplish our mission the committee will need to:
Map the river and its tributaries
Explore the river and identify interesting and unique features, access points and campsites
Community outreach
Raise funds
Design and distribute brochures
Identify Lakes, Ponds, Swamps, Hiking and Biking trails in the watershed
Identify local flora and fauna
Identify safe water levels to boat the river
Identify and map potentially problematic invasive species
Test water quality, including monitoring waste water overflows
Have signs and kiosks,with local maps and trail information, placed at access points
Recruit committee members (WWALS members)
Maintain the trail once complete
Some material for the WRWT has been compiled and created already. The committee will review this material and modify as needed in the first few meetings of the committee.
WWALS members that have expressed an interest in being on the committee:
John S. Quarterman
Bret Wagenhorst
Chris Graham
Deanna Mericle
Chris Mericle (volunteer to chair committee)Short term time line:
First committee meeting to be held shortly after the formation of the committee, date and time tbd
Circulation of ad to recruit committee members asap after the formation of the committee ( will need PR & Membership committees help to accomplish)