Online MFL meeting, Santa Fe, Ichetucknee, and Springs 2020-06-16

Online, so you don’t have to travel, you can ask why SRWMD is proposing reductions in the minimum flows of the Santa Fe and Ichetucknee Rivers:


In Lower Santa Fe and Ichetucknee Minimum Flow and Minimum Water Level (MFL) Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs),

What is the new, proposed MFL?

A minimum flow and minimum water level (MFL) evaluation was used to determine the quantity of water needed to ensure the safety and health of the Lower Santa Fe and Ichetucknee (LSFI) Rivers and associated springs. The new LSFI MFL evaluation has determined that median Santa Fe River flows should be 91.9%near Ft. White and 91% near US Hwy 441 gaging stations, and that median Ichetucknee River flows should be 97.2% at the US Hwy 27 gaging station.To review the 2019 LSFI Technical Document, visit the LSFI webpage.

How does the new, proposed MFL differ from the 2015 LSFI MFL evaluation?

The existing and proposed MFL evaluations have determined that similar amounts of water are needed to preserve the environmental health of these ecosystems and prevent significant harm from water withdrawals(pumping). This consistency in findings supports the validity and outcome of the previous 2015 MFL evaluation.

The new MFL evaluation utilizes the best available science and data including the use of the North Florida Southeast Georgia (NFSEG) groundwater model. An additional gaging station along the Lower Santa Fe River (near US HWY 441) was utilized to account for the unique river characteristics of that section of the river and to better assess the status of the river.

Lower Santa Fe River Ichetucknee River
Fort White US Hwy 441 US Hwy 27
Proposed Existing Proposed Existing Proposed Existing
Median Historical Flow 12701320587n/a356354
Proposed MFL Threshold 11671214534n/a346343
% of Flow 91.9%92.0% 91.0% n/a97.2% 96.9%
Difference (cfs) 10310653n/a1011
Relative flow reduction (%) 8.1%8.0%9.0%n/a2.8%3.1%

Will the new LSFI MFL impact the Seven Springs permit recommendation differently than the current/old LSFI MFL?

The issuance of water use permits is governed by state/District rules and state statutes. The total water available for consumptive use under the new MFL evaluation is consistent with the current/old MFL. Until an assessment has been conducted for the new LSFI MFL rule, it is unknown how any permit request and staffrecommendation would be impacted. District staff follow a lengthy and strenuous evaluation for consumptive use permit requests. For more information regarding the permit process, visit

Thanks to Merrillee Malwitz-Jipson for the heads-up.


Tuesday, June 16, 2020 Residents and stakeholders who would like to participate in the LSFI Peer Review meeting are able to register on GoTo Webinar at A confirmation email with a link to join the GoTo Webinar will be sent after registration. If you have a presentation prepared for the public comment section of the meeting, please provide the presentation in PDF format to John Good at Presentations must be submitted prior to the meeting in order for the District’s IT staff to prepare the presentation for the virtual meeting. For more information about the meeting, please visit

Date: June 16, 2020

Time: 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM

Location: Remote Meeting Address:

Address: Live Oak, FL 32060


 -jsq, John S. Quarterman, Suwannee RIVERKEEPER®

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