Chris Mericle got the appended letter from Sabal Trail through
Congressman Yoho’s office (FL-03). -jsq
———- Forwarded message ———-
From: Norfleet, Jessica
Date: Thu, Aug 28, 2014 at 10:41 AM
Subject: FW: Comment on Filing submitted in FERC PF14-1-000 by Individual No Affiliation,et al.
Here is the context of the information I just spoke to you about,
Jessica and Clay, I want to provide you a quick heads up regarding the Withlacoochee River crossing.
Taking into consideration stakeholder input from the proposed Withlacoochee River crossing area and other data obtained to date, Sabal Trail is initiating evaluation of other potential routes that, IF feasible, MAY serve to avoid crossing at the proposed location. As with the original route process, this evaluation will require Sabal Trail to obtain permission to access the other properties in order to perform the necessary field surveys (civil, environmental, cultural, and geotechnical) in order to identify constructability concerns and the potential impacts to property and environments along the potential alternatives. Further activities will likely be necessary such as coring samples etc. prior to any decision being made.
As such, our ROW team has begun forwarding letters to landowners along these potential route alternatives informing of our plans and seeking such survey permission. Only after all surveys are complete will Sabal Trail be able to determine its next steps in determining the viability of any route changes.
The potential alternatives that Sabal Trail is evaluating commence in Hamilton County, FL and terminate in Suwannee County, FL to the east of the currently proposed Sabal Trail pipeline route. These potential alternatives deviate from the currently proposed route to the south of State Route 6 in Hamilton County, FL and are roughly 11 miles in length, follow property lines or existing utility easements to the extent possible, avoid crossing the Withlacoochee River in Hamilton County and ultimately cross the Suwannee River roughly 2 – 2 ½ miles northeast of the Suwannee / Withlacoochee River intersection.
I will provide more detail and documentation as we develop these potential alternatives but thought it’s important for you and Rep. Yoho to be aware of our activity.
That potential new crossing of the Suwannee River would be very near the Road 141 Ramp at 30.414000, -83.159167, just upstream from Suwannee River State Park; see the map. I wonder if Suwannee River Water Management District knows about this yet?
Sabal Trail sent this letter two days after FERC directed Sabal Trail to pay attention to what the Mericles had been saying.
Also note how Sabal Trail works in a demand for survey access permission.
Hamilton County has passed a resolution expressing concerns about the Sabal Trail pipeline and the Withlacoochee River.
It could go farther, and pass a resolution like Rappahannock County, Virginia did, basically telling Spectra to go away and never come back. A month later, Spectra “suspended” that pipeline.
Or Hamilton County, or any other affected county, could go even farther, and pass a real ordinance with power of law, like Jefferson County, Florida did to keep Nestlé from coming back to try to take water.
And let’s not forget Sabal Trail’s path
still would cross
the Withlacoochee River in Georgia at the Brooks-Lowndes County line.
And it’s the same karst limestone holding the same Floridan Aquifer that we all drink out of here in south Georgia, just like
in north Florida.
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