Board meetings are open to the public.
Draft Agenda (revised to add GWC, June outing, signs, IRS status, and Waycross Adopt-A-Stream, and to fix time of day.
WWALS Board of Directors
7:30 PM Wednesday June 11 2014
by teleconference
Dial-in Number: (712) 432-1212
Meeting ID: 974-054-025Board members are listed in Dave Hetzel (President), John S. Quarterman (VP), Gretchen Quarterman (Treasurer), Bret Wagenhorst (Recording Secretary and Outings), Garry Gentry (Membership), Karan A. Rawlins (Events), April Huntley, Al Browning, and Chris Graham.
- Call to Order, Welcome and Introductions
- Speaker: No speaker.
- Agenda Review: Additions and Changes
- Review and Approval of Minutes
- Past Meetings and Events
- April outing on the Withlacoochee River, GA Sierra Club John Muir Outing: Paddle Against the Pipeline, Saturday 7:30AM 19 April 2014 on Withlacoochee River from Old Quitman Road. Was cancelled due to high water, with intent to reschedule for a later date. Any ideas on the later date?
- May 17 outing Lewis Lake rookery. –BW.
- Georgia Water Council (GWC) June 11 –DH.
- Future Meetings and Events
- Adopt-A-Stream 13-14 June 2014 in Waycross with Satilla Riverkeeper
Not a WWALS event, but all can attend. Adopt-A-Stream monthly Water Quality testing training, both chemical and biological (dissolved oxygen, pH, bacteria, etc) needed to monitor your local stream or river monthly. This information is submitted to EPD to assist with water quality monitoring across the state. This is a free training, but please RSVP to Learn more about the program at June 21 2014 Outing -BW
Suggested start location: Alapaha River from the hwy 135 bridge just south of Willacoochee
route: upstream for 1 hour and then back.
Time: Recommend putting in on water at 0900 21 June 2014.
Alternative/backup location: Ray’s Mill Pond in Ray City
Please Note: I will be unable to go on this trip (I am on call that weekend), so another WWALS member will have to be trip leader, this time. Chris?- Annual Meeting in July with Board and Officer Elections
- Rivers Alive –AB
September? Which River? Also with KLVB? Or in Nashville? Or Tifton?- Cleanup on Alapaha near 135 bridge or 168 bridge? –AB
CG: is bridge private or public on highway 168?- Outings Shedule
With river level fallbacks to lakes for each river outing.- WWALS board voted April 2014 to look into raising money to hire staff. –jsq GA River Network is prepared to assist with advice, and will also open discussions in June on WWALS perhaps being one of two organizations they assist intensively in 2015.
- Grants
- Mott –jsq
- Turner Foundation regrants via GA River Network. –jsq
Organizational grant request sent 23 May 2014 for Alapaha River boat ramp and park plus Water Trails.- Community Foundation of South Georgia – jsq
- Woodruff Foundation –KR
- Others?
- Finances
- Starting/Ending balance for April and May –GQ
- Donation Accounting – GQ 501(c)(3) status. –GQ.
IRS has confirmed 501(c)(3) Public Charity status for WWALS retroactive to incorporation date of 8 June 2012. GQ- Insurance: D&O and liability. –jsq
Negotiating with insurance agent about liability coverage levels. jsq- Flint Riverkeeper passthrough –jsq
No longer needed due to confirmed IRS nonprofit status. -jsq- Committee Reports Please send reports to the board list before the meeting if at all possible.
- Membership and Recruitment –GG
CG: $1000 for life membership and Boy Scouts.- Events –KR
- Outings – Bret Wagenhorst
See June Outing. BW- Public Relations –jsq jsq and CG posting on blog and FB. Send photos to Chris:
- Review Action Item List: Please send reports to the board list before the meeting.
- Business and membership cards –GG Looking into using social media advertising for targeted recruitment.
- WWALS sign with arrow, email address, double sided –BW
Two white yard signs that say: WWALS Event —————> Have been purchased by me for use of WWALS. BW- National River Network membership –jsq Pay it.
- Correspondence —
Send a Thank You letter to H. Doug Everett for his solar vote. –jsq
Panther Forum: anything happening? –GQ- Request for information from DNR –jsq Development laws and regulations related to water.
- Gretchen filed complaint to DNR about potential violation of water. To post to board. –GQ
- Ongoing opposition to Sabal Trail methane pipeline. –jsq
- Waycross about the Seven Out Superfund site; post info from GA DNR. –jsq
See also Waycross Adopt-A-Stream training.- Distribution of list of sites on EPA/EPD lists for counties in our watershed –jsq.
- Flooding study by U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE). –jsq
- Other Business
- Adjourn
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