Pictures: Up Bethel Creek to Quarry from Suwannee River 2020-07-18

Update 2020-12-27: Same pictures on facebook.

During the Suwannee River camping at Dowling Park River Camp last summer, two intrepid paddlers joined me to paddle up Bethel Creek to the quarry in Lafayette County, Florida, and up to the other quarry, and again, and over.

[Bethel Creek rapids, boats, downstream]
Bethel Creek rapids, boats, downstream

Megan Parker has had the full experience, and Jose helped.

[Paddlers entering, 2020:07:18 15:27:24, 30.2538, -83.253]
Paddlers entering Bethel Creek, 2020:07:18 15:27:24, 30.2538000, -83.2530000

Click on any small picture to see a larger one.

Lower Quarry

[Pretty full, 2020:07:18 15:30:02, 30.2545205, -83.2543819]
Pretty full, 2020:07:18 15:30:02, 30.2545205, -83.2543819

Second Quarry

[Easy boating, 2020:07:18 15:32:08, 30.2547229, -83.2548797]
Easy boating, 2020:07:18 15:32:08, 30.2547229, -83.2548797

Third Quarry

[20200718 153346, 2020:07:18 15:33:46, 30.2550496, -83.2562762]
20200718 153346, 2020:07:18 15:33:46, 30.2550496, -83.2562762

Dock below house

[Dock, 2020:07:18 15:34:40, 30.2550496, -83.25628]
Dock, 2020:07:18 15:34:40, 30.2550496, -83.2562800

Flowing creek

[Looks like a creek, 2020:07:18 15:41:25, 30.2535522, -83.2595257]
Looks like a creek, 2020:07:18 15:41:25, 30.2535522, -83.2595257


[This is different, 2020:07:18 15:50:11, 30.2531453, -83.2621805]
This is different, 2020:07:18 15:50:11, 30.2531453, -83.2621805

Drying out

I didn’t take any pictures of the actual capsize. Suffice it to say this is why you should always wear your personal flotation device, and never paddle alone unless you really know what you are doing.

[Hauled out and drained, 2020:07:18 16:02:51, 30.2530212, -83.2620241]
Hauled out and drained, 2020:07:18 16:02:51, 30.2530212, -83.2620241

What is this

[Bug?, 2020:07:18 16:07:38, 30.2530212, -83.262023]
Bug?, 2020:07:18 16:07:38, 30.2530212, -83.2620230

Heading back down

[Downstream, 2020:07:18 16:17:47, 30.2527035, -83.2612728]
Downstream, 2020:07:18 16:17:47, 30.2527035, -83.2612728

Third Quarry again

[By the house dock, 2020:07:18 16:24:00, 30.252704, -83.2612728]
By the house dock, 2020:07:18 16:24:00, 30.2527040, -83.2612728

Second Quarry again

[By the boom, 2020:07:18 16:29:21, 30.2549803, -83.2550506]
By the boom, 2020:07:18 16:29:21, 30.2549803, -83.2550506

First Quarry again

[20200718 162923, 2020:07:18 16:29:23, 30.2549803, -83.2550506]
20200718 162923, 2020:07:18 16:29:23, 30.2549803, -83.2550506

Bethel Creek out

[A calm creek, 2020:07:18 16:31:36, 30.252704, -83.2612728]
A calm creek, 2020:07:18 16:31:36, 30.2527040, -83.2612728

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Google Map

Here is a google map of approximate locations of each of these pictures.

 -jsq, John S. Quarterman, Suwannee RIVERKEEPER®

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