Pictures: Banks Lake Full Snow Moon Paddle 2022-02-16

A bunch of lucky paddlers caught perfect weather for the Banks Lake Full Snow Moon paddle. No snow, just a warm breeze.

[Paddlers, banners, sunset, moonrise]
Paddlers, banners, sunset, moonrise

I was dogsitting, so did not paddle.

[Suwannee Riverkeeper dog pack]
Suwannee Riverkeeper dog pack by Russell McBride

Our paddling artist Julie Bowland painted on the water.

[Sunset at Banks Lake by Julie Bowland]
Sunset at Banks Lake by Julie Bowland

Russell saw some flowers.

[Flowers, by Russell McBride]
Flowers, by Russell McBride

Shirley Kokidko paddled in the sunset.

[Shirley Kokidko, by Russell McBride]
Shirley Kokidko, by Russell McBride

And the moon rose.

[Moonrise, by Russell McBride]
Moonrise, by Russell McBride

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 -jsq, John S. Quarterman, Suwannee RIVERKEEPER®

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