Pictures: Banks Lake Full Hunters Moon 2022-10-09

Bonus Jupiter above and to the right of the full moon, at Banks Lake Saturday.

[Banners, paddlers, sunset, moonrise]
Banners, paddlers, sunset, moonrise

This expedition was honoring Farmers and First Responders, got in free. Phil Royce spoke up for First Responders, but he’s a WWALS member, so he got in free anyway. I’m a Farmer, but I had relatives back at the farm, so I didn’t paddle.

Thanks to novice expedition leaders Scotti Jay and Nic Cole for leading this one. And to Elizabeth Brunner for mentoring them.

Special thanks to Nic Cole for paddling back in with the key to get gear for three latecomers. Everybody please remember to show up on time.

[Three more in the canoe]
Three more in the canoe

That’s in addition to the nine who were on time.

[Banners at Banks Lake]
Banners at Banks Lake

From the dock

[Sunset paddlers]
Sunset paddlers

[Sunset convoy]
Sunset convoy

[Cypress sunset]
Cypress sunset


Thanks to Elizabeth Brunner for these, including her ever-photogenic Subaru with Luna and Jupiter.

[Cypress --Elizabeth Brunner]
Cypress –Elizabeth Brunner

[Moonrise --Elizabeth Brunner]
Moonrise –Elizabeth Brunner

[Subaru --Elizabeth Brunner]
Subaru –Elizabeth Brunner

[Sunset --Elizabeth Brunner]
Sunset –Elizabeth Brunner


Thanks to Phil Royce for this one.

[Moonrise with Elizabeth Brunner --Phil Royce]
Moonrise with Elizabeth Brunner –Phil Royce

ARWT: Banks Lake is part of the Alapaha River Water Trail.

More: For more WWALS outings and events as they are posted, see the WWALS outings web page, WWALS members also get an upcoming list in the Tannin Times newsletter.

 -jsq, John S. Quarterman, Suwannee RIVERKEEPER®

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