Tag Archives: apartments

Plug pulled on parks plan: protect Florida Parks from golf courses and hotels 2024-08-29

First they postponed the meetings for the attempt to put golf courses or pickleball courts in state parks.

And day before yesterday the Florida governor said “back to the drawing board.”

[Plug Pulled on Park Plan, DeSantis claimed it leaked, Back to the drawing board, How about a bill to prevent it?]
Plug Pulled on Park Plan, DeSantis claimed it leaked, Back to the drawing board, How about a bill to prevent it?
Photo: DOUGLAS R. CLIFFORD, Tampa Bay Times,

But don’t trust them. The same or different developers behind this attempt will be back again.

Since state legislators of both parties were opposed to this bad idea, there is talk of a bill to stop this from happening again.

That’s good, and how about a constitutional amendment for Right to Clean Water?

None of the nine parks proposed this time are in the Suwannee River Basin. But if they happened, how long before somebody wants to put a golf course or a lodge at Suwannee River State Park, or Manatee Springs, or Ichetucknee Springs?

Alex Harris and Ana Ceballos, Miami Herald, August 29, 2024, DeSantis pulls plug on controversial state parks plan after public, political backlash, Continue reading

Postponed: golf courses and hotels at Florida State Parks 2024-08-23

Well, that didn’t take long! Today, Florida Parks postponed their proposal to commercialize state parks, “due to overwhelming interest.”

Keep showing them your interest in this bad plan not happening. Don’t wait for the meetings; go ahead and tell them.

Follow this link for a handy form by Waterkeepers Florida to tell your statehouse delegation you don’t want these developments on top of vulnerable habitat and next to our waterways:

None of the current proposals are for parks in the Suwannee River Basin. But if these get implemented, they won’t stop.

[Protect Florida Parks from Golf Courses, Hotels, apartments, Pickleball courts]
Protect Florida Parks from Golf Courses, Hotels, apartments, Pickleball courts

According to Rachel Tucker, wfla.com, today, Meetings over controversial Florida state park plans rescheduled due to demand, Continue reading

Protect Florida Parks from golf courses and hotels 2024-08-23

Update 2024-08-23: Postponed “due to overwhelming interest.” Keep overwhelming them!

This Tuesday, August 27, 2024, Florida Parks will hold eight public tellings about building golf courses, hotels, or pickleball courts in nine public parks.

None of those nine are in the Suwannee River Basin. But if they happen, how long until there’s a plan for a golf course in Suwannee River State Park? Or a “lodge” at Ichetucknee Springs or Manatee Spring?

Follow this link for a handy form by Waterkeepers Florida to tell your statehouse delegation you don’t want these developments on top of vulnerable habitat and next to our waterways:

[Protect Florida Parks from Golf Courses, Hotels, apartments, Pickleball courts]
Protect Florida Parks from Golf Courses, Hotels, apartments, Pickleball courts

The nine are: Continue reading