If I’m reading this correctly, SRWMD discussed maybe buying only one of two tracts, or maybe just getting a conservation easement, and then decided to buy both of these tracts on the Suwannee River in Hamilton County.
This is on the agenda for next Tuesday’s Board Meeting of the Suwannee River Water Management District (SRWMD).
9 AM, Tuesday, March 14, 2023, at SRWMD HQ, 9225 Co Rd 49, Live Oak, FL 32060.
GoTo Webinar Link: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/2418452120888926044
Public Comment Form Link: www.MySuwanneeRiver.com/Comments
The tracts are rather far apart, Tract 1 being upstream from FL 6 across from Columbia County, and Tract 2 being downstream from Woods Ferry River Camp, which is across the river in Suwannee County.
Also on the agenda is an agreement with the St. Johns River Water Management District (SJRWMD) for above-ground and underground water laboratory analysis.
I didn’t see anything interesting in the Continue reading