Tag Archives: HR 281

GA HR 281 Water Trails resolution

This bipartisan resolution sounds like a good idea to me. And apparently it also looks good to the Georgia Forestry Association (of which I am a member).

Capitol Forestry Report, GFA, 20 February 2017:

House Resolution 281
Sponsor: Rep. Spencer Frye, D-Athens
This is a resolution with no force of law the supports the use and enjoyment of river trails in the State of Georgia. GFA has engaged with the bill’s author, Rep. Spencer Frye, who is very supportive of private property rights for forest landowners in Georgia.
Status: House Natural Resources and Environment Committee.

WWALS has two water trails, the Alapaha River Water Tral, and the Withlacoochee and Little River Water Trail, both following up on many years of harmony among boaters and landowners dating back to earlier Canoe Trails on the same rivers in the 1970s.

HR 281: A RESOLUTION recognizing and encouraging the proliferation and use of water trails in Georgia; and for other purposes. Continue reading