Tag Archives: Kim Ross

Reclaiming Florida’s Future for All, State Capitol 2020-02-06

Want to help convince Florida state legislators to do the right thing? Come on down to Tallahassee this Thursday morning, February 2, 2020!

When: 10AM to 4PM, Thursday, February 6, 2020

Where: Florida State Capitol, 400 S. Monroe St., Tallahassee, Florida

Event: facebook

About:Our focus will include:

  • Bills that help increase access to clean energy,
  • bills that move Florida away from fossil fuels,
  • bills address climate change and sea level rise (to include related growth management issues)”

Advance registration has closed, but you can still Continue reading

Waterkeepers in Tallahassee 2019-03-13

Three of the Waterkeepers of Florida were at the Capitol in Tallahassee Wednesday, two of them for Reclaiming Florida’s Future for All, an annual event organized by ReThink Energy Florida and others. Of course Our Santa Fe River (OSFR) was prominently represented. Banning fracking was top of the long list of issues on the agenda. Water Quality and Quantity included Valdosta (and other) wastewater.


Lake Worth Waterkeeper Reinaldo Diaz advocates for the Lake Worth Lagoon and its watershed, a coastal estuary running along the eastern edge of Palm Beach County.

[Lisa Rinaman et al.]
Lisa Rinaman et al.

Scariest of all to polluters is St Johns Riverkeeper Lisa Rinaman, seen here with Continue reading