If this and the 27 news articles on radio, TV, and newspapers in Georgia and Florida, several of them carried by Associated Press across the country, plus the ten op-eds and three editorials, is not enough to establish controversy, I wonder what is. Maybe still more comments and news articles and social media?
Public Notice: 20,338 comments
Nedra Rhone, Atlanta Journal-Constitution, 13 September 2019, Mining proposal near Okefenokee draws more than 20K comments from public
The Suwannee Riverkeeper, on Thursday, sent 22 pages of questions to the Corps and the Georgia Department of Environmental Protection asking the agency to deny the permit. The Riverkeeper joined the SELC and other organizations and individuals in asking the Corps to prepare an Environmental Impact Statement, the highest level of analysis available when a proposed federal action may significantly affect the quality of the human environment.
Also in that AJC story:
Commenters expressed concerns ranging from the acres of wetlands that would be lost to what they considered inadequate studies conducted to determine the potential impact of the mine.
In a letter to the Corps, the Southern Environmental Law Center said Twin Pines has misrepresented the scale and severity of the project impacts throughout the applications process and most recently at a public meeting.
Controversy is one of the indicators that an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) is needed, but about that and about public hearings all yesterdays’s notice says is:
Once we reach a decision on the appropriate level of NEPA analysis and additional forums for public information and comment, we will provide notice.
You may wonder when you will get an acknowledgement that your comment was received. I asked that of Billy Birdwell, Senior Public Affairs Specialist, Corporate Comm Office at Savannah District, US Army Corps of Engineers, Savannah, Georgia. He checked and said they are working through the comments in the order they are received. So far they are up to those received September 3rd. They expect to finish acknowledgments probably some time next week.
He, like this notice, was quite clear that comments are closed. However, when asked directly whether comments received after the nominal deadline would be read by the Corps, he said he would not commit to that, but he would not say they wouldn’t.
So I recommend that if you have something new to say, or a different perspective, especially if it is a question you think nobody else might have asked, send it in anyway.
Even better, also send it as a letter to your local newspaper, publish it on your website, or post it on social media.
This isn’t over until the Corps or GA-EPD denies the permit, or at the least starts an EIS. Contact your state Senator and Representative, and your U.S. Senator and Congress member, and ask them to ask for denial or an EIS.
How to Comment
Help Suwannee Riverkeeper save the Okefenokee Swamp
You can object to a titanium strip mine proposed far too near the Swamp.
GA-EPD had a public comment period open until March 20, 2023 on the Twin Pines Minerals Mining Land Use Plan.
You can still send a comment to the addreseses below, even though the comment period is over. You can comment from anywhere: not limited to Georgia.
Here is the Public Notice and the documents on which you need to comment.
You can email or paper mail your comments, or join one of two zoom webinars.
Land Protection Branch,
4244 International Parkway,
Atlanta Tradeport- Suite 104,
Atlanta, Georgia 30354 - twinpines.comment@dnr.ga.gov
Zoom Meeting Registration February 21 or 23, 2023
You can write to your Georgia state representative or senator or governor or lieutenant governor and ask them to refuse any such instrument.
Here's a convenient comment form by Georgia Water Coalition:
Or to find your legislator you can type in your ZIP code here: http://openstates.org/find_your_legislator/
These are the Georgia state Senators with districts most involved with the Okefenokee Swamp:
District 003 Senator Mike Hodges (R-Brunswick), (404) 463-1309, (912) 464-1989, mike.hodges@senate.ga.gov (Charlton, Brantley, and east half of Ware Counties).
District 008, Senator Russ Goodman (R-Homerville), (404) 463-1318, 912-218-0447, russ.goodman@senate.ga.gov, rustingoodman@gmail.com, (Lowndes, Lanier, Echols, Clinch, Atkinson, and west half of Ware Counties).
These are the Georgia state Representatives with districts most involved:
174, John Corbett, R - Lake Park, (404) 656-5105, john.corbett@house.ga.gov, Charlton, Brantley, south half of Ware, Clinch, Echols, east third of Lowndes Counties.
180, Steven Sainz, R - Woodbine, (404) 657-1803, steven.sainz@house.ga.gov, Camden and part of Glynn Counties: no Suwannee River Basin Counties after recent redistricting.
176, James Burchett, R - Waycross, 404-656-5105, Suite 1318, james.burchett@house.ga.gov, southwest Coffee, Atkinson, Lanier, and northeast Lowndes Counties
177, Dexter Sharper, D - Valdosta, 404.656.0126, dexter.sharper@house.ga.gov, Lowndes County
You can also write to your U.S. Representative or Senator and ask them to urge the Corps to take back up its oversight of the mine site. See former letter from former Rep. Al Lawson (FL-05).
For the requested Georgia state permit regarding Section 401 of the Clean Water Act, you can send a comment or request for public hearing to
Stephen Wiedl, Wetlands Unit, stephen.wiedl@dnr.ga.gov
Georgia Department of Natural Resources, Environmental Protection Division, Water Protection Branch, 7 Martin Luther King, Jr. Drive, Atlanta, Georgia 30334.
Be sure to mention
Applicant: Twin Pines Minerals, LLC, Application Number: SAS-2018-00554.
For the Georgia Coastal Management Program certification, you can send a comment to
Federal Consistency Coordinator, Ecological Services Section, Coastal Resources Division,
Georgia Department of Natural Resources, One Conservation Way, Brunswick, Georgia 31523-9600
Telephone 912-264-7218.
You can also write to the Georgia DNR board, asking them to refuse any such instrument.
Georgia Board of Natural Resources
2 Martin Luther King Jr. Drive, SE, Suite 1252, Atlanta, GA 30334
To submit a letter to the editor of the Charlton County Herald,
you can email editor@charltonherald.com.
Or write to your local newspaper.
You can also contact radio, TV, and of course post on social media.
SAVANNAH, GEORGIA 31401-3604September 12, 2019
Regulatory Branch
Savannah DistrictThe Savannah District has received an application for a Department of the Army permit, pursuant to Section 404 of the Clean Water Act (33 U.S.C § 1344), as follows:
Application Number: SAS-2018-00554
Applicant: Steven R. Ingle, Twin Pines Minerals, LLC, 2100 Southbridge Parkway, Birmingham, Alabama 35209
The Public Comment Period for the Twin Pines project closes today. To date, we have received 20,338 comments regarding this project, including comments from the Cherokee of Georgia Tribal Council, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Region 4, and 14 Non-Governmental Organizations. Many commenters have requested an extension to the comment period. At this time, the Corps is not going to extend the public comment period. Currently we are reviewing the comments we have received and evaluating our path forward under the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). Once we reach a decision on the appropriate level of NEPA analysis and additional forums for public information and comment, we will provide notice. We are still awaiting the submittal of additional project studies from the applicant, including hydrology studies. Once received, we will provide notice and this information will be available through our website or through a Freedom of Information Act request.
If you have any further questions concerning this matter, please contact Ms. Holly Ross, Project Manager, Albany Field Office at 648-422-2727 or via email at holly.a.ross@usace.army.mil.
Much more is on the WWALS website here:
-jsq, John S. Quarterman, Suwannee RIVERKEEPER®
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