Monthly Archives: September 2012

Big Little Water: Camera 1 Videos on the Withlacoochee by Tom Baird

Here are videos of Tom Baird’s talk for WWALS hosted at VSU by Blazer Gardens, about the Y-shaped Withlacoochee, or Suwannee, or Swithlacoochee, from the dry Paleo-Indian era 14,000 or more years ago through atlatls in the woodland period and Troupville queen city through the Ellaville log boom to current-day over-pumping of the aquifer.

Here’s a playlist.

Big Little Water by Tom Baird 2012-09-11

Update 2012-09-13: Pictures from Camera 1.

Tonight at VSU Student Union:

Big Little Water – a survey of the history, geology and archaeology of the Withlacoochee River, with replica artifacts people can handle, and slides.

“I’ll also get into some of the current threats to the river and maybe we can get into a good discussion and Q&A.”
Website event and facebook event.