On Saturday, March 30 WWALS held their first joint fundraiser with
the Friends of Reed Bingham State Park: the first annual Big LITTLE
RIVER Paddle Race. We had 18 boats and 27 paddlers participate. The
start was at Rountree Bridge at the north end of Reed Bingham State
-Bret Wagenhorst
The Big Little River Paddle RAce course winds through cypress trees:
The native azaleas were in full bloom along the river bank on the day of the race.:
Paddlers at the finish:
All participants got a handsome decal:
The trees along the course were at their spring finest:
The overall winner of the event, Dwight Griner of Nashville, GA, finished in under 40 minutes–a quick 3 miles!:
Winners in various categories got to take home medallions:
Pictures by Bret Wagenhorst for WWALS Watershed Coalition (WWALS), Lowndes County, Georgia, 30 March 2013.
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