Daily Archives: October 20, 2014

Berrien Beach at GA 168 on the Alapaha River

300x221 Public access on north side of bridge, with cement strip boat ramp at higher water level but no facilities. Access road is unpaved and about 1/4 mile long. Nice sandy beach., in Berrien Beach at GA 168 on the Alapaha River, by Bret Wagenhorst, for Bret Wagenhorst took these pictures of a well-known Berrien County fishing, swimming, and boating spot 19 September 2014, and posted them in a facebook album. At the GA 168 bridge, access is on the north side, west of the river. To get to the famous sandy beaches, boat downstream south under the bridge.

And don’t forget, farther downstream: Alapaha Sink: WWALS Outing 2PM 26 Oct 2014. Continue reading