Saw: tupelo, cypress, maple, river birch, pine, live oak, titi, mayhaw, native blueberries, palmetto; only maple in bloom. Not much wildlife.
River: several small streams entered river through breaks in the bank, winding course, couple of bluffs and some exposed karst
Comments: a good level to run this section, saw 2 other canoes with a family of campers, and a fisherman in a john boat skinning a catfish, 2 rope swings, the side trip up the Alapahoochee River to the waterfall just up from the take out was worth the effort.
Pictures: see separate post by Bret Wagenhorst. And pictures by John S. Quarterman.
Ten of us met at 12 noon Sunday afternoon, February 15th 2015, continuing our exploration of the Alapaha River Water Trail, as announced.
The shuttle took Continue reading