The ant against the dinosaur: WWALS v. Sabal Trail & FDEP Monday 2015-10-19

And WWALS has two attorneys now! You can still help pay their fees.

Chris Curry, Gainesville Sun, 16 October 2015, Challenge to 515­mile, six­county pipeline starts Monday,

John S. Quarterman, the president of WWALS, said the group will argue that Sabal Trail and DEP failed to demonstrate that the project is in the public interest and won’t harm the environment, including the aquifer and springs. Taking on heavyhitting attorneys in court is an uphill battle, he acknowledged.

“It’s the ant against the dinosaur,” Quarterman said.

Actually, Gretchen said that; I just repeated it.

When: 10 AM Monday 19 October 2015

Where: Hamilton County Board of Commissioners Chambers,
207 NE First Street
Jasper, Florida 32052

If you come, please be respectful and silent during the hearing. This is not a town hall: it is a court of law. We aim to win by argument and evidence.

And remember: ants outlived dinosaurs.
