College students who like paddling on our rivers or art or both, here’s a contest! (flyer PDF)
Update 2015-12-16: Deadline extended to January 15th, 2016, recently featured in the Valdosta Daily Times, and winners to be presented with prizes at the February 27th Workshop at VSU.
Withlacoochee and Little River Water Trail Logo Contest

Sponsored by WWALS Watershed Coalition, Inc. (WWALS)
WWALS advocates for conservation and stewardship of the
Withlacoochee, Willacoochee, Alapaha, Little, and Upper Suwannee River watersheds in south Georgia and north Florida
through awareness, environmental monitoring, and citizen activities
Create a logo to represent the Withlacoochee and Little River Water Trail
Open to college students who live or study within the WithIacoochee and Little River Watershed
(Counties: Tilt, Berrien, Cook, Lanier, Lowndes, Colquitl, Brooks in Georgia and Hamilton, Madison and Suwannee in Florida.)
December 15, 2015 January 15, 2016 NO cost to enter
1st Place $100 and use in publications and websites to promote the Water Trail.
Runner-Up $50
E-mail a pdf of your design and completed application information to:
Save image at
300dots per inch (dpi.)
A list of Georgia’s truly beautiful scenic rivers includes the Withlacoochee. Originating in Tift and Berrien counties, its dark waters flow south along the Cook County line into Lowndes County, where it is joined by its largest tributary, (ironically) the Little River. Intimate, shaded in its northern reaches) mysterious in its beauty — the Withlacoochee is one of the few Coastal Plain streams in which limestone ledges form small shoals. A second distinctive feature of the river is the occasional white sandbar on the insides of bends, which are perfect for swimming or camping.
—Withlacoochee River Paddling Guide, by Suzanne Welander
What IS a Water Trail?
…a water equivalent of a hiking trail; it has boat ramps along the river suitable for day-trips in canoes and kayaks. Water trails can be various lengths and are used by paddlers, anglers, hikers and picnickers of all ages and ability. The Withlacoochee and Little River Water Trail also includes lakes, ponds, and cypress swamps, and links to hiking trails. It will promote stewardship, eco-tourism, and recreational use of the rivers through education, citizen advocacy, and environmental monitoring. Open to college students who live or study within the WithIacoochee and Little River Watershed YOUR LOGO will help publicize and brand the WLRWT!
What should the logo include? Great question!
First, please note that there are 2 Withlacoochee Rivers in Florida. Ours flows from Georgia into the Suwannee River in North Florida. Don’t confuse it with the one in South Florida that flows into the Gulf of Mexico.
- The wording “Withlacoochee and Little River Water Trail” should be included, although it needn’t be part of the artwork; it may be placed above or below the art. Use a distinctive font that works well with the art.
- Native trees and plants such as: water oak, live oak, bald cypress, sweetgum, fern, wisteria, cedar, beautyberry, longleaf pine, loblolly pine, pond pine, wax myrtle, buckeye, cabbage palm, dogwood, wild azalea, etc.
- Native wildlife such as: Great blue heron, great egret, anhinga, red shouldered hawk, wood ducks, hummingbird, alligator, Cooter turtles, beaver, otter, deer, raccoon, grey squirrel, sturgeon, bass, mullet, bream, spotted gar, catfish, crawfish, etc.
- Distinctive features of the river such as: tea colored waters, limestone banks, rapids, shoals, white sand bars and beaches, springs, sinkholes, cypress knees, grape vines, Spanish moss, etc.
- Activities enjoyed on the rivers such as canoeing, camping, kayaking, fishing, birding, hiking, swimming, etc…
- The logo should be designed in color, but reproduce well in black and white.
- It should be original, distinctive and simple enough to look good big or small.
Digital logos only will be accepted; no hard copies.

By entering you agree to the terms stated here: $100 prize to the first place winner, $50 to the first runner-up. WWALS Watershed Coalition retains the rights to use the logo in any appropriate way with no further compensation with editing as WWALS sees fit.
Save your logo as a pdf and title the file with your first and last name, and number 1-3. (Example: JohnSmith1.pdf)
You may submit up to 3 designs.
To apply-E-mail your pdf(s) and the following information to:
Number of designs submitted (up to 3):
For more information on the Withlacoochee and Little River Water Trail: /maps/withlacoochee-river-water-trail/
Questions? E-mail
You can join this fun and work by becoming a WWALS member today!
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