Agenda sent by Chris Mericle, one of the event organizers:
When: Saturday September 23, 2017 9am – 5pm
Where: Rum 138, 270 SW CR 138, Ft. White, FL 32038
Event: facebook
Hosted by: North Florida Working Group, Suwannee-St. Johns Group of Sierra Club Florida
Old-style solar mounts on roof in 2006, by John S. Quarterman.Solar Rocks for the Equinox Speaker and Music agenda
7:00 AM Vendor setup
9:00-9:45 People can be visiting booths
9:45-10:00 projector/power point set up for Kathryn’s presentation
10:00-10:30 Kathryn Taubert and Gordon Hart, Sierra Club’s Solar presentation
10:30-10:40 Q&A10:45-11:05 Jennison Kipp Searcy, UF Resource Economist
11:05-11:15 Q&A11:20-11:40 Barry Jacobson, Solar Impact: Residential and Commercial Solar Provider
11:40-11:50 Q&A12:00-12:45 Bullard Brothers Band
11:50-1:00 people can get lunch and visit booths
1:00-1:20 Alex Chochlov, Power Production Management
1:20-1:30 Q&A1:35-1:55 Dr. Wendell Porter, UF: specializes in “green” building and processes
1:55-2:05 Q&A2:15-2:35 John S. Quarterman, Suwannee Riverkeeper and solar power advocate
2:35-2:45 Q&A3:00-3:20 Wes Wheeler, Alachua Solar Co-op
3:20-3:30 Q&A3:45-4:30 Whitey Markle and the Swamprooters
4:35-5:00 Drawing for prize winners, wrap up
Contact for questions or more information
Chris Mericle
(386) 855-5096
cjmericle!gmail.comDeanna Mericle
(321) 431-3204
This is the bio I sent Chris:
John S. Quarterman has 15 kiloWatts of solar panels on his farm workshop roof, and his 2013 prediction is on track that more U.S. electricity will come from solar power than any other source by 2023. He is a founding board member of WWALS Watershed Coalition (WWALS), which has been advocating for solar power since 2013. Since WWALS and the Waterkeeper Alliance appointed him Suwannee Riverkeeper, he has spoken in Tallahassee, Dunnellon, and Live Oak, Florida, and at the Southern Company stockholder meeting at Callaway Gardens, Georgia, against pipelines, coal, and nuclear plants, saying solar panels use no water, no fuel, and no eminent domain, and emit nothing but clean electricity.
As mentioned back in March, I will be talking about how Georgia moved ahead in solar power, what Florida has tried and still needs to do, and how solar power has already won the economic race, supplying more new solar power in 2016 than anything else (more than natural gas and more than wind), and employing more people than coal, oil, and gas combined. When even FPL is finally building solar power, including at showplaces such as Daytona International Speedway, the sun is starting to rise on the Sunshine State.
I will address some points that others may not cover, such as solar power’s exponential growth like compound interest, plus urban legends solar opponents spread so you can see through them to the rising sun.
There will be a WWALS table with information about all this, plus buttons and stickers.
-jsq, John S. Quarterman, Suwannee RIVERKEEPER®
You can join this fun and work by becoming a WWALS member today!
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