FERC being short a Commissioner does not stop the rubberstamp machine, this time for the Albany, GA, and Dunnellon, FL, Compressor Stations, both to start construction in May 2019. Sabal Trail requested Phase II in mid-January, and FERC’s John Peconom authorized it by the end of the month.
2019-01-17 Request
FERC Accession Number: 20190117-5096, 17 January 2019, “Sabal Trail Transmission, LLC submits supplemental information and a request for notice to proceed with construction of the Phase II Project facilities under CP15-17.”
5400 Westheimer Court
Houston, TX 77056January 17, 2019
Ms. Kimberly D. Bose, Secretary
Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
888 First Street, NE
Washington, D.C. 20426Re: Sabal Trail Transmission, LLC, Docket No. CP15-17
Supplemental Information and Request for Notice to Proceed — Phase II Sabal Trail
Project FacilitiesDear Ms. Bose:
On February 2, 2016, as amended, reinstated and extended,1 the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (“FERC” or “Commission”) granted Sabal Trail Transmission, LLC (“Sabal Trail”) certificates of public convenience and necessity, among other authorizations, to construct and operate the Sabal Trail Project (“Project”). The Project, which will be constructed in three Phases, will enable Sabal Trail to provide up to 1,075,000 dekatherms per day of firm transportation service. Sabal Trail has completed and placed into service the majority of the Phase I Project facilities. Sabal Trail hereby submits supplemental information and a request that the Director of the Office of Energy Projects issue approval to proceed with construction of the Phase II Project facilities on or before January 28, 2019. The construction schedule reflects commencement of site preparation activities beginning in January of 2019, and the compressor station construction activities commencing in early May 2019.
Pursuant to Environmental Condition No. 6(h) of the February 2 Order; the September 7, 2016 Order; and the March 14 Order, Sabal Trail provides, in Attachment A, a construction schedule for the Phase II Project facilities. In addition, pursuant to Environmental Condition No. 7 and in consultation with Commission Staff, beginning with the commencement of site preparation activities, Sabal Trail will file status reports with the Secretary on a monthly basis until all construction and restoration activities are complete.
Sabal Trail confirms that it has received all applicable permits, approvals, and easements to commence construction activities of the Phase II Project facilities and that Sabal Trail will notify affected landowners of its plans to proceed with construction activities prior to the commencement of such activities. Sabal Trail provides, in Attachment B, copies of the required environmental clearances. Maps identifying the location of the Phase II Project facilities are included in Attachment C. All other information required to commence construction of the facilities requested herein was included in Sabal Trail’s Initial Implementation Plan filed on March 11, 2016, as supplemented.
If you have any questions regarding this filing, please contact LaShawndra R. Proctor, Advisor, Rates and Certificates (713) 627-4071 or the undersigned at (713) 627-4102.
Sabal Trail Transmission, LLC
By: Sabal Trail Management, LLC,
Its Operator
/s/ Lisa A. Connolly
Lisa A. Connolly, General Manager
Rates and CertificatesAttachments
cc: John Peconom (FERC)
1 Florida Southeast Connection, LLC, et al., 154 FERC ¶ 61,080 (2016) (“February 2 Order”), order on reh’g, Florida Southeast Connection, LLC, et al., 156 FERC ¶ 61,160 (2016) (“September 7 Order”), order on remand, Florida Southeast Connection, LLC, et al., 162 FERC ¶ 61,233 (2018) (“March 14 Order”).
The entire document is 47 pages long, with letters from state agencies in Georgia and Florida and some maps. This request letter and the authorization are on the WWALS website, along with a few images of some of the graphics.
Albany, GA Compressor Station
Dunnellon, FL Compressor Station
There are more images from this document on the WWALS website.
2019-01-31 Authorization
FERC Accession Number: 20190131-3028, 31 January 2019, “Letter order granting Sabal Trail Transmission, LLC’s 01/17/2019 request of Authorization to Commence Construction of Phase II Facilities re the Sabal Trail Project under CP15-17.”
In Reply Refer To:
OEP/DG2E/Gas Branch 3
Sabal Trail Transmission, LLC
Sabal Trail Project
Docket No. CP15-17-000January 31, 2019
Ms. Lisa A. Connolly
General Manager, Rates and Certificates
Sabal Trail Transmission, LLC
5400 Westheimer Court, Suite 6N61
Houston, TX 77056Re: Authorization to Commence Construction of Phase II Facilities
Dear Ms. Connolly:
In accordance with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission’s (Commission) February 2, 2016 Order Issuing Certificates and Approving Abandonment; the September 7, 2016 Order on Rehearing; and the March 14, 2018 Order on Remand Reinstating Certificate and Abandonment Authorization (collectively Orders), I grant Sabal Trail Transmission, LLC’s (Sabal Trail) January 17, 2019 request to commence construction of the Phase II facilities. These facilities are the Albany Compressor Station located in Dougherty County, Georgia and the Dunnellon Compressor Station located in Marion County, Florida.
This authorization is based on my review of Sabal Trail’s Request for Notice to Proceed; its compliance with the environmental conditions of the Commission’s Orders as described in its Implementation Plan filed on March 11, 2016, and supplemented on April 7, 2016, July 21, 2016, August 11, 2016, and August 15, 2016; and its documentation of the necessary federal authorizations applicable to the requested activities.
I remind you that Sabal Trail must comply with all applicable terms and conditions of the above referenced Orders. If you have any questions regarding this authorization, please contact me at (202) 502-6352.
John V. Peconom
Environmental Project Manager
-jsq, John S. Quarterman, Suwannee RIVERKEEPER®
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