All the WWALS Boomerang sponsors on a banner

All these sponsors like the WWALS Boomerang, and we hope you will, too:

[All the sponsors on a banner]
All the sponsors on a banner

Come on down, 11AM, this Saturday, November 26, 2019, to the Withlacoochee River
at State Line Ramp (Mozell Spells, GA 31 Ramp), 6461 Madison Hwy, Valdosta, GA 31601.

Some people will be racing hard, others will just paddle.

Free boat rental from two outfitters, a free Georgia Beer coupon for boat registered, and winners get a nice big tumbler with the race logo.

All about the WWALS Boomerang paddle race, including how you can still get tickets online (or at the event):–boomerang

And Gretchen will be talking about it on 92.1 FM Talk Radio, 7:30 AM Friday morning, November 25, 2019.

 -jsq, John S. Quarterman, Suwannee RIVERKEEPER®

You can join this fun and work by becoming a WWALS member today!