Water Trail signs planted 2021-05-21

Bobby McKenzie has been busy planting water trail signs, both road signs and at-water signs. All these signs were paid for by a grant from the Georgia Department of Natural Resources (GA-DNR). There was a cash match, so if you want to help with that, you can:

[Kinard Bridge Road, Adel-Moultrie, andAntioch Road Landings, Cook County Boat Ramp, Folsom Bridge, Hagan Bridge, and Pafford's Landings]
Kinard Bridge Road, Adel-Moultrie, andAntioch Road Landings, Cook County Boat Ramp, Folsom Bridge, Hagan Bridge, and Pafford’s Landings

Little River

Kinard Bridge Road Landing

We bought road signs from the Georgia Department of Transportation (GDOT). GDOT is planting road signs on state and federal highways, but WWALS has to put them on county roads, like Kinard Bridge Road. There are two sets of road signs for each location, for each direction. In this case, for Kinard Bridge Road Landig, the most upstream landing on the Little River in the Withlacoochee and Little River Water Trail (WLRWT).

[Kinard Bridge Road Sign East, Little River, Cook County, GA]
Kinard Bridge Road Sign East, Little River, Cook County, GA

There are no at-water signs for this location yet, because the access is not very good. Maybe on the next pass.

Reed Bingham State Park

WWALS Trails Committee Chair Dan Phillips already planted the road signs at Red Roberts Landing on Rountree Road Bridge in Cook County. Dan planted at-water signs there and at Reed Bingham SP (West) in Colquitt County and Reed Bingham SP (East) in Cook County. We figured Reed Bingham State Park already had enough road signage.

[Red Roberts Landing, Reed Bingham State Park Lake]
Red Roberts Landing, Reed Bingham State Park Lake

Adel-Moultrie Landing

Bobby planted at-water signs at Adel Moultrie Landing @ GA 37 in Colquitt County. Because that’s on a state highway, GDOT is supposed to plant the road signs. Apparently they have not done that yet. I will inquire.

[Adel-Moultrie Landing @ GA 76, Little River]
Adel-Moultrie Landing @ GA 76, Little River

Each location has the same top sign per water trail:


And a specific sign for that Adel-Moultrie Landing:


You can see images of all the at-water signs here:

Antioch Road Landing

Bobby went to Antioch Road Landing, but seeing what sad shape it’s in, we decided to ask the Cook County Commission to maybe make it a bit more accessible before we plant any road or at-water signs.

[Antioch Road Landing, Cook County, Little River, Cook County, GA]
Antioch Road Landing, Cook County, Little River, Cook County, GA

This is the bottom sign we want to put at Antioch Road Landing:


Cook County Boat Ramp

Access is easy at Cook County Boat Ramp in Cook County, which is a GA-DNR boat ramp. GDOT does not seem to have planted the road signs yet, even though it’s on GA 76, a state highway. I will inquire.

[Cook County Boat Ramp @ GA 76, Little River, Cook County, GA]
Cook County Boat Ramp @ GA 76, Little River, Cook County, GA

This is what the bottom sign looks like at Cook County Boat Ramp:


Folsom Bridge Landing

Across the county line, here’s Folsom Bridge Landing @ GA 122 in Lowndes County, still on the Little River. Lowndes County Public Works is supposed to be making and planting road signs. Also some improvements on the deep potholes in the access road would be good. I will inquire.

[Folsom Bridge Landing @ GA 122, Withlacoochee River, Lowndes County, GA]
Folsom Bridge Landing @ GA 122, Withlacoochee River, Lowndes County, GA

Here is detail of the Folsom Bridge Landing at-water sign:


Troupville Boat Ramp

Before the GA-DNR grant, WWALS already paid for and planted at-water signs at Troupville Boat Ramp @ GA 133 in Lowndes County just west of Valdosta. And that’s all of the at-water signs planted for the Little River.

[Not RTP: Troupville-Boat-Ramp-Sign.pdf]

Withlacoochee River

Youngs Mill Creek Landing

Back in Cook County, Bobby planted the bottom sign at Youngs Mill Creek Landing @ GA 37, the most upstream WLRWT landing on the Withlacoochee River. Need to nudge GDOT about road signs there.

[Youngs Mill Creek Landing @ GA 37, Withlacoochee River, Cook County, GA]
Youngs Mill Creek Landing @ GA 37, Withlacoochee River, Cook County, GA

Bobby didn’t plant the top sign, because apparently we did not print enough; they’re printing now. Here’s the bottom sign for Youngs Mill Creek Landing:


Ray City Landing

Bobby did not plant any signs across the Withlacoochee at Ray City Landing on GA 37 in Berrien County, because the access road is still very steep and full of pot holes.

[Ray City Landing]
Ray City Landing

I already gave the Berrien County Commission our spare set of Ray City Landing signs, so I will inquire whether they want to fix up that access.


Hagan Bridge Landing

Back in Lowndes County, Bobby planted at-water signs at Hagan Bridge Landing @ GA 122 on the Withlacoochee River. The top sign is on order. Lowndes County Public Works is supposed to make and plant road signs there. I will inquire.

[Hagan Bridge Landing @ GA 122, Withlacoochee River, Lowndes County, GA]
Hagan Bridge Landing @ GA 122, Withlacoochee River, Lowndes County, GA

Here is detail of the Hagan Bridge Landing at-water bottom sign:


Franklinville Landing

I thought Bobby also planted signs at Franklinville Landing on Franklinville Road in Lowndes County. Maybe he just didn’t send a picture. Anyway, here is detail of the bottom sign for there:


Notice that sign says don’t stop at Staten Road, because the former access turns out to be private property. Instead, proceed to Langdale Park Boat Ramp.

Langdale Park Boat Ramp

Bobby already planted the signs at Langdale Park Boat Ramp off of North Valdosta Road (US 41) a few weeks ago. Lowndes County Public Works is supposed to be making and planting road signs there. I will inquire.

[Signs, Camera]
Signs, Camera

Downstream on the Withlacoochee River we already made and planted signs. Images of all of them are online:

Alapaha River

Pafford’s Landing

Not sure whether it was Bobby or Dan who planted these at-water signs, but they’re for Pafford’s Landing @ GA 122 on the Alapaha River in the Alapaha River Water Trail (ARWT). You’ll probably notice they’re on the same signpost as the eastbound set of road signs that WWALS paid for years ago and GDOT planted.

[Pafford's Landing @ GA 122, Alapaha River, Lanier County, GA]
Pafford’s Landing @ GA 122, Alapaha River, Lanier County, GA

Here is detail of the at-water signs for Pafford’s Landing:



More ARWT signs

Dylan and Dan Phillips already planted at-water signs for the ARWT on the Alapaha River at Berrien Beach and Lakeland Boat Ramps, and at Burnt Church Landing.

[Berrien Beach, Lakeland, Burnt Church, ARWT]
Berrien Beach, Lakeland, Burnt Church, ARWT

And downstream, Dan planted at-water signs at Naylor Boat Ramp at GA 94.

[Paddlers with signs]
Paddlers with signs

That leaves to go upstream Sheboggy Boat Ramp @ US 82 in Berrien County, Nashville Landing @ GA 135 in Berrien County, and Willacoochee Landing @ GA 135 in Atkinson County. Still to go downstream are Mayday Landing @ Howell Road and Statenville Boat Ramp @ GA 94, both in Echols County, Georgia. Bobby is getting those.

As previously mentioned, WWALS paid for and GDOT planted road signs for the ARWT years ago. And if you want to help pay for all these water trail signs, you can:

We haven’t forgotten about the Florida landings. We are negotiating with the appropriate Florida powers that be. Of course, those signs will cost money, too, so see above about donations for signs.

 -jsq, John S. Quarterman, Suwannee RIVERKEEPER®

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