PFAS Sampling Deployment, Withlacoochee River 2024-09-14, Mud Swamp Creek 2024-09-15

Update 2024-11-27: Retrieving PFAS samplers, Withlacoochee River 2024-11-23.

This weekend we deployed four PFAS samplers, upstream and downstream from two wastewater treatment plants, on the Withlacoochee River and on Mud Swamp Creek.

These are a new design that you leave in the flowing water for 28 days thereabouts, then retrieve, and effectively they’ve been taking a sample a day.

If you encounter them, please leave them be.

[PFAS Sampling Deployment, Waterkeeper Alliance Program, Withlacoochee River 2024-09-14, Mud Swamp Creek 2024-09-15]
PFAS Sampling Deployment, Waterkeeper Alliance Program, Withlacoochee River 2024-09-14, Mud Swamp Creek 2024-09-15

Thanks to Troy Toreson for helping Saturday on the Withlacoochee River. We put the upstream sampler slightly up from Valdosta’s Withlacoochee Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) Outfall.

We put the downstream sampler a bit below Spring Branch, which runs by the WWTP, the landfille, and a golf course. The WWTP sends its solid waste to the landfill, which sends its leachate to the WWTP. So this way we bracket both WWTP and landfill.

This is closer to the WWTP Outfall than when we sampled PFAS in 2022, because now we have an outboard for the jon boat.

Thanks to Wild Green Future for the grant that paid for the 9.9 hp outboard, as well as the 24-inch Husqvarna chainsaw and the 86lb thrust trolling motor and batteries. We didn’t have to use any of those other items this time, since last time we made passage through the only deadfall that was completely blocking the river: Pictures: Withlacoochee River and Okapilco Creek jon boat outing 2024-07-27.

Thanks to Gretchen Quarterman for helping on Mud Swamp Creek. We put the upstream sampler upstream from the Inner Perimeter (US 41) bridge and upstream from Valdosta’s Mud Creek WTP Outfall.

We put the downstream sampler upstream from the Johnson Road bridge and downstream from the MCWTP.

In a month or so we will retrieve them.

Thanks to Christian Breen for organizing this nationwide Waterkeeper Alliance program.

 -jsq, John S. Quarterman, Suwannee RIVERKEEPER®

You can help with clean, swimmable, fishable, drinkable, water in the 10,000-square-mile Suwannee River Basin in Florida and Georgia by becoming a WWALS member today!


[Little River Confluence, 2024:09:14 10:54:54, 30.8459607, -83.3293385]
Little River Confluence, 2024:09:14 10:54:54, 30.8459607, -83.3293385


[Heading downstream, Withlacoochee River, 2024:09:14 10:57:34, 30.8469376, -83.3476266]
Heading downstream, Withlacoochee River, 2024:09:14 10:57:34, 30.8469376, -83.3476266


[Sand and cypress knees, 2024:09:14 10:59:13, 30.8463360, -83.3505407]
Sand and cypress knees, 2024:09:14 10:59:13, 30.8463360, -83.3505407


[A deadfall not obstructing passage, 2024:09:14 10:59:59, 30.8456979, -83.3515349]
A deadfall not obstructing passage, 2024:09:14 10:59:59, 30.8456979, -83.3515349


[Private Land and Cattle Landing, 2024:09:14 11:01:13, 30.8440664, -83.3507699]
Private Land and Cattle Landing, 2024:09:14 11:01:13, 30.8440664, -83.3507699


[Another deadfall not obstructing, 2024:09:14 11:03:41, 30.8413474, -83.3533067]
Another deadfall not obstructing, 2024:09:14 11:03:41, 30.8413474, -83.3533067


[A slough with fishing line, 2024:09:14 11:04:27, 30.8413474, -83.3533067]
A slough with fishing line, 2024:09:14 11:04:27, 30.8413474, -83.3533067


[Left bank deadfall not obstructing, 2024:09:14 11:04:52, 30.8396551, -83.3544777]
Left bank deadfall not obstructing, 2024:09:14 11:04:52, 30.8396551, -83.3544777


[Lowndes County Public Works cap, Troy Toreson, 2024:09:14 11:05:14, 30.8396550, -83.3544780]
Lowndes County Public Works cap, Troy Toreson, 2024:09:14 11:05:14, 30.8396550, -83.3544780


[Approaching Valdosta Withlacoochee WTP Outfall; later we hung the PFAS sampler on the tree on the right, 2024:09:14 11:06:57, 30.8371049, -83.3580960]
Approaching Valdosta Withlacoochee WTP Outfall; later we hung the PFAS sampler on the tree on the right, 2024:09:14 11:06:57, 30.8371049, -83.3580960


[Outfall, Valdosta Withlacoochee WTP, 2024:09:14 11:07:24, 30.8371049, -83.3580960]
Outfall, Valdosta Withlacoochee WTP, 2024:09:14 11:07:24, 30.8371049, -83.3580960


[Tree in River, 2024:09:14 11:13:23, 30.8394892, -83.3629245]
Tree in River, 2024:09:14 11:13:23, 30.8394892, -83.3629245


[Wetherington Branch Deadfall; we sawed through this last time, 2024:09:14 11:16:14, 30.8369922, -83.3643219]
Wetherington Branch Deadfall; we sawed through this last time, 2024:09:14 11:16:14, 30.8369922, -83.3643219


[Swing with metal bar, 2024:09:14 11:20:34, 30.8378388, -83.3703028]
Swing with metal bar, 2024:09:14 11:20:34, 30.8378388, -83.3703028


[Langdale Pothole Private Ramp, 2024:09:14 11:22:05, 30.8394210, -83.3716753]
Langdale Pothole Private Ramp, 2024:09:14 11:22:05, 30.8394210, -83.3716753


[Bird on deadfall, 2024:09:14 11:22:49, 30.8394210, -83.3716753]
Bird on deadfall, 2024:09:14 11:22:49, 30.8394210, -83.3716753


[Pine Deadfall, 2024:09:14 11:26:04, 30.8363800, -83.3746000]
Pine Deadfall, 2024:09:14 11:26:04, 30.8363800, -83.3746000


[Turtle on log, 2024:09:14 11:31:22, 30.8302537, -83.3803929]
Turtle on log, 2024:09:14 11:31:22, 30.8302537, -83.3803929


[Langdale Capital Assets Troupeville Road Private Ramp, 2024:09:14 11:32:47, 30.8298750, -83.3810712]
Langdale Capital Assets Troupeville Road Private Ramp, 2024:09:14 11:32:47, 30.8298750, -83.3810712


[Spring Branch, 2024:09:14 11:38:16, 30.8282271, -83.3845228]
Spring Branch, 2024:09:14 11:38:16, 30.8282271, -83.3845228


[Good sampler-hanging branch, 2024:09:14 11:42:02, 30.8284134, -83.3855957]
Good sampler-hanging branch, 2024:09:14 11:42:02, 30.8284134, -83.3855957


[Preparing the downstream PFAS sampler --Troy Toreson, 30.8284134, -83.3855957]
Preparing the downstream PFAS sampler –Troy Toreson, 30.8284134, -83.3855957


[Preparing the upstream PFAS sampler --Troy Toreson, 30.8364070, -83.3591637]
Preparing the upstream PFAS sampler –Troy Toreson, 30.8364070, -83.3591637


[Movie: Heading back to Troupville Boat Ramp, 2024:09:14 12:52:59, 30.8364070, -83.3591637 (12M)]
Movie: Heading back to Troupville Boat Ramp, 2024:09:14 12:52:59, (12M) 30.8364070, -83.3591637


[Movie: Passing jon boat, 2024:09:14 12:55:50, 30.8364070, -83.3591637 (13M)]
Movie: Passing jon boat, 2024:09:14 12:55:50, (13M) 30.8364070, -83.3591637


[Shallow, 2024:09:14 12:56:04, 30.8415270, -83.3524755]
Shallow, 2024:09:14 12:56:04, 30.8415270, -83.3524755


[jsq, 2024:09:14 13:28:26, 30.8512361, -83.3472049]
jsq, 2024:09:14 13:28:26, 30.8512361, -83.3472049


[Banners at Troupville Boat Ramp --Chris Graham, 2024:09:14 13:29:12, 30.8512361, -83.3472049]
Banners at Troupville Boat Ramp –Chris Graham, 2024:09:14 13:29:12, 30.8512361, -83.3472049


[Inner Perimeter, Mud Swamp Creek, upstream from Valdosta Mud Creek WTP, 2024:09:15 10:37:12, 30.8049971, -83.2358459]
Inner Perimeter, Mud Swamp Creek, upstream from Valdosta Mud Creek WTP, 2024:09:15 10:37:12, 30.8049971, -83.2358459


[Johnson Road, Mud Swamp Creek, downstream from Valdosta Mud Creek WTP, 2024:09:15 11:23:54, 30.7960426, -83.2092596]
Johnson Road, Mud Swamp Creek, downstream from Valdosta Mud Creek WTP, 2024:09:15 11:23:54, 30.7960426, -83.2092596


[PFAS sampler in Mud Swamp Creek, 2024:09:15 11:24:53, 30.7960426, -83.2092596]
PFAS sampler in Mud Swamp Creek, 2024:09:15 11:24:53, 30.7960426, -83.2092596


[Map: Mud Swamp Creek between Inner Perimeter (US 41) and Johnson Road]
Map: Mud Swamp Creek between Inner Perimeter (US 41) and Johnson Road

 -jsq, John S. Quarterman, Suwannee RIVERKEEPER®

You can help with clean, swimmable, fishable, drinkable, water in the 10,000-square-mile Suwannee River Basin in Florida and Georgia by becoming a WWALS member today!