Daily Archives: December 31, 2024

St. Juan River in Map of East and West Florida, 1763

Can you spot the Suwannee River on this old map?

At least The Great Swamp called Owaquaphenogaw is pretty obvious: the Okefenokee Swamp.

Since the only river that is shown running south from the swamp is the one under the E in East Florida, which goes by a town called S. Juan, that looks like a good bet. But maybe not.

[Where is the Suwannee River? Map of East and West Florida, An account ...natural history of Florida, by William Roberts, 1763]
Where is the Suwannee River? Map of East and West Florida, An account …natural history of Florida, by William Roberts, 1763

Back in 1920 somebody tried to make sense of this map, in The Old Spanish Trail, A Historical Sketch, by G. M. West, 1920, Panama City Publishing Co., Panama City, Fla., online by St. Mary’s University, San Antonio, Texas. Continue reading