These pictures of Quitman’s large sewage settling pond appear to show evidence of recent sewage runoff from these ponds, as well as holes in the fence and a rather rotted pier. They were taken Tuesday, July 26, 2022. Water quality testing downstream the day before indicates something contaminated Okapilco Creek and the Withlacoochee River downstream after rains a day before that.
For months I have been asking for a tour of Quitman’s sewage facilities to see if conditions have improved.
Quitman sewage settling ponds: Spills? 2025-07-26, None reported, WQ monitoring says maybe
On the preceding Sunday, July 24, 2022, there had been more than an inch of rain on Quitman. I find no Quitman reports for July 2022 in the GA-EPD Sewage Spills Report.
Yet Valdosta’s water quality monitoring for that Monday got 1,000 cfu/100 mL E. coli for Okapilco Creek at US 84 (US 221), which is downstream of those Quitman settling ponds and upstream of the nearest dairy. Valdosta got worse on the Withlacoochee River downstream of Okapilco Creek at Knights Ferry Boat Ramp: 2,700.
Chart: Okapilco Creek and Withlacoochee River water quality, 2022-07-11 through 2022-07-28
See the
2022–WWALS composite spreadsheet of GA-FL water quality.
And even worse numbers after previous rains farther downstream at Clyatville-Nankin Boat Ramp and State Line Boat Ramp. Which would indicate that previous contamination crossed into Florida. As you can see in the chart, the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) became concerned enough to do its own testing. Which indicated that by the Wednesday, the Withlacoochee was OK downstream of the state line. But FDEP did not test after those previous rains, so we don’t know what they washed into Florida.
Map: Quitman Sewage Settling Ponds, Okapilco Creek, Knights Ferry Boat Ramp, Withlacoochee River
in the WWALS
map of the Withlacoochee and Little River Water Trail (WLRWT)
What was going on at Quitman’s sewage settling ponds in July 2022? Is it still going on after more recent rains?
There is no way to be sure of what caused that creek and river contamination without DNA testing, and we have none for those dates. But the circumstantial evidence seems to point at Quitman.
Tires at west corner , 2022:07:26 15:08:52, 30.7925167, -83.5447389
Boom in large Quitman sewage settling pond, 2022:07:26 15:10:05, 30.7916028, -83.5432750
Likely overflow, 2/3 down SW side of Quitman setting pond, 2022:07:26 15:18:56, 30.7910722, -83.5424500
large Quitman sewage settling pond from SW side near S corner, 2022:07:26 15:19:38, 30.7906389, -83.5417417
Sewage overflow beyond fence, S corner, 2022:07:26 15:20:48, 30.7902444, -83.5410083
Closeup sewage overflow, S corner, 2022:07:26 15:21:09, 30.7902222, -83.5410167
Tracks in mud, SE side, 2022:07:26 15:22:34, 30.7906972, -83.5406333
Movie: Sewage through weeds, leaks from pipes, open electrical box, (150M) 30.7906861, -83.5405889
Overflow below SE side, 2022:07:26 15:28:41, 30.7901472, -83.5399028
Overflow, 2022:07:26 15:29:10, 30.7902417, -83.5401222
Remnants of overflow, 2022:07:26 15:32:23, 30.7903361, -83.5402222
More tracks in mud, 2022:07:26 15:32:28, 30.7903556, -83.5401917
Looks like overflow was here, 2022:07:26 15:32:33, 30.7903833, -83.5401917
Broken boardwalk to platform in large Quitman sewage settling pond, SE side near S corner, 2022:07:26 15:33:44, 30.7908361, -83.5405972
Closeup, large Quitman sewage settling pond, from E corner, 2022:07:26 15:34:25, 30.7919806, -83.5397417
Closer, large Quitman sewage settling pond, NE side near E corner, 2022:07:26 15:34:36, 30.7921222, -83.5399028
Weeds, large Quitman sewage settling pond, NE side, 2022:07:26 15:34:45, 30.7922000, -83.5400611
Hole in fence, large Quitman sewage settling pond, NE side, 2022:07:26 15:34:56, 30.7923556, -83.5403222
Brush and hole in fence, large Quitman sewage settling pond, middle of NE side, 2022:07:26 15:35:23, 30.7929417, -83.5413444
-jsq, John S. Quarterman, Suwannee RIVERKEEPER®
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