Cow House Branch Lift Station Spill in Tifton, GA 2019 2017-09-11

Tifton spilled 277 times more sewage than Valdosta. Tifton Gazette, 20 September 2017, Power outage cause 250,000 gallon wastewater spill,

Street View, Golden Road Lift Station

TIFTON — There were 250,000 gallons of wastewater spillage due to the power outage cause by Hurricane Irma, according to Thomas Coker, water and wastewater superintendent.

The spillage occurred at the lift station on Golden Road,

Map View, Golden Road Lift Station

“We’ll put lime out to mitigate the bacteria,” said Coker, in an interview last week.

The spill mostly affected Cow House Creek, also known as Cow House Branch.

That lift station is at 31.4302114,-83.5246544, on Golden Road west across Cow House Branch from I-75 Exit 60. It’s in Tift County Parcel T022 005.

There seem to be at least three things called Cow House Creek in Hydrologic Unit Code (HUC) 031102040105. This one flows from downtown Tifton under I-75 and Golden Road down to the Little River between US 319 and the (closed) Tifton-Moultrie Railroad Bridge.

HUC 031102040105, Cow House Branch

As WWALS board member Bret Wagenhorst points out, that’s upstream from Reed Bingham State Park, but probably far enough to have little effect. I guess we’ll see.

 -jsq, John S. Quarterman, Suwannee RIVERKEEPER®

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One thought on “Cow House Branch Lift Station Spill in Tifton, GA 2019 2017-09-11

  1. Pingback: Quitman, GA, WPCP spill 2017-09-11 | WWALS Watershed Coalition (Suwannee RIVERKEEPER®)

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