Tag Archives: A Day in the Woods

Video: The effects of forest management on water quality –Heather Brasell, WWALS Webinar 2024-11-14

Heather Brasell demonstrated why she is the 2023 Tree Farmer of the Year of the American Tree Farm System, in a thorough discussion of many aspects of forest management, from water quality testing to logging, replanting, prescribed burns, and herbicides, to educating the public.

As she said, forestry is more than just Best Management Practices, and sustainable forestry is more than replanting trees. Plus good stewardship costs money that may not be offset by income.

Here is the video:

She spoke in a WWALS Webinar via zoom on the impacts of forest management on water quality, from noon to 1 PM, Thursday, November 14, 2024. WWALS president Sara Squires Jones gave a brief introduction before Heather spoke, and the last ten minutes were for questions and answers.

[Forest Management and Waterways, Heather Brasell, GEFC, WWALS Webinar 2024-11-14]
Forest Management and Waterways, Heather Brasell, GEFC, WWALS Webinar 2024-11-14

This is the same topic as when Heather spoke at the Continue reading

The effects of forest management on water quality –Heather Brasell, WWALS Webinar 2024-11-14

Update 2024-11-18: Video: The effects of forest management on water quality –Heather Brasell, WWALS Webinar 2024-11-14.

Heather Brasell will speak on the impacts of forest management on water quality, by zoom from noon to 1 PM, Thursday, November 14, 2024.

[Effects of Forest Management on Water Quality 2024-11-14, Heather Brasell, WWALS Webinar]
Effects of Forest Management on Water Quality 2024-11-14, Heather Brasell, WWALS Webinar

Register in advance for this meeting:

Here’s a facebook to encourage people to attend:

But you must register for the zoom.

This is the same topic as when she spoke at the WWALS River Revue 2024, but in this WWALS Webinar she gets 45 minutes instead of 20 minutes.

WWALS president Sara Squires Jones will give a brief introduction, Heather will speak, and the last ten minutes will be for questions and answers.

Heather Brasell is the Founder of the Gaskins Forest Education Center, Alapaha, Georgia. Continue reading