Update 2023-02-15:
New CEOs for Southern Company and Georgia Power 2023-01-09.
Apparently I asked some interesting questions to the corporate parent of Georgia Power.
I got Southern Company CEO Tom Fanning to admit he had already given a partial answer, even though SO is still reluctant to deploy renewable energy and storage at scale.
Surprisingly, when I asked him afterwards,
Fanning said he had never heard of Stanford Professor Mark Z. Jacobson and his work on powering the world on wind, water, solar, and storage power and nothing else.
Jacobson’s group has produced plans more than 100 countries and each U.S. state,
including Georgia.
Maria Saporta, Saporta Report, May 30, 2022 6:17 pm,
Southern Co.’s annual meeting a model for corporate America,
Tom Fanning responds to John S. Quarterman
…About 200 people attended the annual meeting,which lasted two hours
and forty-five minutes. After the official part of the meeting was
over, there was a question-and-answer period, which Fanning said was
his favorite part. He engaged with shareholders — 17 of whom
asked questions or made comments, several of them critical of
various Southern Co.’s practices — be it unlined coal ash
ponds across the system, its investment in the Plant Vogtle nuclear
plant or a need to be more aggressive in expanding its renewable
energy portfolio.
John S. Quarterman, Suwannee Riverkeeper
“Tom Fanning is really, really good at his job as you have
observed — he’s unflappable and always hospitable,” said
John Quarterman of Lowndes County (an environmentalist and
shareholder) as he addressed the meeting.
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