Tag Archives: Lola Tract VPA

Slab curing at Naylor Boat Ramp 2019-05-21

The concrete was curing Tuesday, May 21, 2019, that was poured after May 8, following the bed built by April 30.

[With representative human]
With representative human

Many people want to know: when will Lowndes County slide this slab down into the river? I am not Lowndes County Project Manager Chad McLeod, but my guess is Continue reading

Naylor Boat Ramp Park is not Lola VPA or WMA 2019-05-19

If you’re down at the beach on the Alapaha River, just upstream from US 84, in the new Lowndes County Naylor Boat Ramp Park, and a game warden should happen to say you need a WMA pass, please tell him you’re in a public park owned by Lowndes County, and if there’s any doubt about that, please consult the Lowndes County Tax Assessors online map, or call Lowndes County, or call me.

Beach, Lowndes County Tax Commission Map, Parcel 0259 030B.

There seems to be some confusion, possibly because the Georgia Department of Natural Resources (DNR) map for the Lola Tract WMA does not show Continue reading

Naylor Boat Ramp framed 2019-05-08

Frame and concrete wire.


Lowndes County Project Manager Chad McLeod says they will probably pour the concrete Saturday. Then 10 to 14 days to set before pushing into the Alapaha River for Naylor Boat Ramp. Continue reading