Tag Archives: Marsh Cp Road Branch

Pictures: Cypress Creek South (CR 6) to Cone Bridge, Suwannee River 2019-05-04

We saw many creeks, a few birds, some karst caves, many sandy beaches, and a deadfall, on the Suwannee River from CR 6 to Cone Bridge Ramp, Saturday, May 4, 2019. We started in Hamilton County, Florida, and ended up in Columbia County.

[Cypress Creek South (CR 6) to Cone Bridge, 2019-05-04, Creeks, karst, and a deadfall on the Suwannee River]
Cypress Creek South (CR 6) to Cone Bridge, 2019-05-04, Creeks, karst, and a deadfall on the Suwannee River

Thanks to Shirley Kokidko for leading this expedition, and to everyone else who paddled.

The river was at about 51.26 NAVD88 on the White Springs gauge.

There are more pictures below. Continue reading