Tag Archives: paintings

Pre-Holiday Auction until 2020-12-12

Until December 12, 2020, you can get a chance at a kayak or some smaller merchandise two ways, also helping WWALS with outings, cleanups, water quality testing, and advocacy.

Pre-Holiday Auction

Expedition, paintings, archery, racks, fit, fleece, and cake!

[Pre-Holiday Auction through 2020-12-12]
Pre-Holiday Auction through 2020-12-12

The auction is online:

Kayak Raffle

[Kayak Raffle Poster, drawing 2020-12-12]
Kayak Raffle Poster, drawing 2020-12-12

Suggested Donation $5.00 for one ticket; $20.00 for five tickets:
https://wwals.net/?p=53215 Continue reading

Fine Craft and Arts Festival by Jefferson Arts Gallery, Monticello, FL 2018-11-17

Venturing outside our watersheds, but still inside the territory of the Suwannee River Water Management District, the WWALS booth goes to Monticello, Florida, this Saturday. Come on over!

When: 10AM-4PM, Saturday, November 17, 2018

Where: Jefferson Arts Gallery, 575 W. Washington Street, Monticello, FL

Event: facebook, meetup

Listing in the Tallahassee Democrat: Continue reading