Tag Archives: Stephen Foster Folk Culture Center State Park

Florida Folk Festival Friday 2024-05-24

Update 2024-05-26: Pictures: Florida Folk Festival Saturday 2024-05-25.

Gretchen Quarterman took a few pictures Friday at the Florida Folk Festival.

[WWALS Booth at, Florida Folk Festival 2024-04-24, Come down to White Springs, FL, Saturday and Sunday]
WWALS Booth at, Florida Folk Festival 2024-04-24, Come down to White Springs, FL, Saturday and Sunday

Come on down Saturday and Sunday to the Stephen Foster Folk Culture Center State Park on the Suwannee River in White Springs, Florida. Continue reading

WWALS at Florida Folk Festival, White Springs, FL, 2024-05-24-26

Update 2024-05-25: Florida Folk Festival Friday 2024-05-24.

WWALS will be back again with a booth at the Florida Folk Festival on Memorial Day Weekend in White Springs at Stephen Foster Folk Culture Center State Park.

The festival is a three-day celebration of the music, dance, stories, crafts and food that make Florida unique.

Come talk to us about Right to Clean Water, BMAPs, opposing a strip mine permit too near the Okefenokee Swamp, sewage, trash, and other advocacy as well as outings and water trails.

And of course our own WWALS River Revue, coming up Saturday, September 7, 2024, including the Suwannee Riverkeeper Songwriting Contest.

When: 6:30 PM, Friday, May 24, 2024, through 6 PM, Sunday, May 26, 2024

Put In: Stephen Foster Folk Culture Center State Park, White Springs, Florida, on the banks of the Suwannee River.

GPS: 30.332884, -82.769513

[WWALS at Florida Folk Festival, Friday - Sunday, May 24-26, 2024, Stephen Foster Folk Culture Center SP, White Springs, Florida]
WWALS at Florida Folk Festival, Friday – Sunday, May 24-26, 2024, Stephen Foster Folk Culture Center SP, White Springs, Florida

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Hurricane Idalia: State Parks Closed, Georgia and Florida 2023-09-02

Stir crazy from staying in due to Hurricane Idalia and want to go to a state park?

Many of them are open, but some remain closed, in the Suwannee River Basin in Georgia and Florida.

Or come to the WWALS Banks Lake Morning Paddle 2023-09-04.

[Georgia and Florida State Parks Closed 2023-09-02]
Georgia and Florida State Parks Closed 2023-09-02

According to Georgia State Parks Weather Alerts – Hurricane Idalia:

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Ready for Florida Folk Festival 2023-05-25

WWALS Executive Director Gretchen Quarterman says all the festival materials are in the tent, ready for Florida Folk Festival Friday, Saturday, and Sunday.

[Suwannee Riverkeeper tent, raffle kayak, and carrilon]
Suwannee Riverkeeper tent, raffle kayak, and carrilon

Except of course the raffle kayak, with the carrillon visible behind it, at Stephen Foster Folk Culture Center State Park, White Springs, Florida, on the banks of the Suwannee River. Continue reading

Florida Folk Festival, Stephen Foster Folk Culture Center State Park, Suwannee River, 2023-05-26-28

Update 2023-05-25: Ready for Florida Folk Festival 2023-05-25.

WWALS will have a booth at the Florida Folk Festival on Memorial Day Weekend in White Springs at the Stephen Foster State Park.

The festival is a three-day celebration of the music, dance, stories, crafts and food that make Florida unique.

We need volunteers for this three day event. The event requires that we submit the names of our volunteers by May 15th. If you are interested in helping at this fun event, please let me know ASAP so that I can get you on the list. Plan on a 4-6 hour shift of hanging around and talking to people about clean water. When not volunteering, you may attend the festival events.

When: 6:30 PM, Friday, May 26, through 6 PM Sunday, May 28, 2023

Put In: Stephen Foster Folk Culture Center State Park, White Springs, Florida, on the banks of the Suwannee River.

GPS: 30.332884, -82.769513

[WWALS Booth at a previous Florida Folk Festival and Carrillon at Stephen Foster Folk Culture Center State Park]
WWALS Booth at a previous Florida Folk Festival and Carrillon at Stephen Foster Folk Culture Center State Park

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WWALS at Wild Azalea Festival, White Springs, FL 2022-03-19

A very congenial festival next to the Suwannee River in White Springs, Florida.

When: 10 AM – 4 PM, Saturday, March 19, 2022

Put In: Nature & Heritage Tourism Center, 10499 Spring St, White Springs, FL 32096, at the corner of Bridge and Spring Street.

GPS: 30.329470, -82.759426

Take Out: Same as Put In.

Free: No charge.

We recommend you support the work of WWALS by becoming a WWALS member today!

Volunteer: WWALS members, we could use you at the WWALS booth.

What: according to the Town of White Springs:

The Town of White Springs and the Stephen Foster State Folk Culture Center are pleased to present the 🌺 20th Annual Wild Azalea Festival on Saturday, 10 am – 4 pm, at the Nature & Heritage Tourism Center in historic White Springs, Florida. Come out and enjoy live entertainment, craft and food vendors, raffles, duck race, cornhole tournament, kids’ area, and more! 😍

Event: facebook, meetup

[Wild Azalea Festival, WWALS Booth]
Wild Azalea Festival, WWALS Booth (2019)

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WWALS at Florida Folklife Festival 2018-05-25-27

Join us this weekend in Live Oak at the Florida Folk Festival.

When: Fri, May 25, 10am — 5pm
Sat, May 26, 10am — 5pm
Sun, May 27, 9am — 5pm

Where: Stephen Foster Folk Culture Center State Park,
11016 Lillian Sanders Dr, White Springs, FL 32096

Event: facebook, meetup

Come see us about writing a song for the Suwannee Riverkeeper Songwriting Contest; you’ve got until Friday June 1st.

And everyone is invited to the Wild & Scenic Film Festival, 7PM, Thursday, May 31, 2018, at Mathis Auditorium, Valdosta, GA.

Open, Booth

Folk Fest Details: Continue reading