Tag Archives: WWALSong2024

PSA: WWALS River Revue –Anna Stange 2024-08-26

As one of the three judges for the Suwannee Riverkeeper Songwriting Contest, Anna Stange of Madison, Florida, invites you to come hear the five songwriter finalists, after a sit-down meal and speakers from Georgia and Florida, in the WWALS River Revue, 5-8 PM, Saturday, September 7, 2024, at the Turner Center for the Arts, Valdosta, Georgia.

Here’s Anna’s Public Service Announcement (PSA) video:

[Public Service Announcement, WWALS River Revue, Turner Center, Valdosta, GA, 2024-09-07, --Judge Anna Stange]
Public Service Announcement, WWALS River Revue, Turner Center, Valdosta, GA, 2024-09-07, –Judge Anna Stange

 -jsq, John S. Quarterman, Suwannee RIVERKEEPER®

You can help with clean, swimmable, fishable, drinkable, water in the 10,000-square-mile Suwannee River Basin in Florida and Georgia by becoming a WWALS member today!

Five Finalists Selected, Suwannee Riverkeeper Songwriting Contest 2024 2024-08-21

Hahira, GA, August 21, 2024 — The five finalists will play at the Finals of the Suwannee Riverkeeper Songwriting Contest, at the WWALS River Revue, Saturday, September 7, 2024, at the Turner Center for the Arts, in Valdosta, Georgia. The audience and the three judges will watch and listen. The judges will award prizes, and the winner will sing again.

[Five Finalists Selected, Suwannee Riverkeeper Songwriting Contest 2024]
Five Finalists Selected, Suwannee Riverkeeper Songwriting Contest 2024

This is all after dinner and after Dr. Jason Evans of Stetson University in Florida talks about his long detective work to determine water lettuce is indeed native, and Heather Brasell of the Gaskins Forest Education Center in Georgia talks about the effects of forest management on water. There will also be a silent auction in this fundraiser to benefit WWALS Watershed Coalition, Inc.

One entry, a duo, is from Tennessee and Georgia: Robert Thatcher of Signal Mountain, TN, and Tom Brown of Dalton, GA.

Two are from Georgia: David Rodock of Adel, and Bill Berry of Valdosta.

Two are from Florida: Sweet William Ennis of Palatka, and Rachel Grubb of Lake City.

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Speakers and last call for songs for WWALS River Revue

Last call, songwriters: August 14, 2024 is the last day to send in your excellent song about the Suwannee River Basin. We mean it this time. Here’s the entry form:

The Finals for the Suwannee Riverkeeper Songwriting Contest will be at the WWALS River Revue, Saturday, September 7, 2024, at the Turner Center for the Arts, in Valdosta, Georgia.

Songwriters will perform for the audience and the three judges will decide, after the speakers from Florida and Georgia.

[Logo: WWALS River Revue 2024]
Logo: WWALS River Revue 2024

Dr. Jason Evans will speak about his many-year study of water lettuce, which establishes definitively that it is native to Florida. This may mean that the state should not spray to try to get rid of it.

He is Associate Professor of Environmental Science and Studies, Stetson University, DeLand, Florida. Jason Evans is an interdisciplinary systems and landscape ecologist who works in the fields of climate adaptation, land cover change, and water quality improvement within the built environment.

[Dr. Jason M. Evans, Stetson University, Institute for Water and Environmental Resilience, DeLand, Florida, speaking to the Santa Fe Springs Working Group, December 14, 2023]
Dr. Jason M. Evans, Stetson University, Institute for Water and Environmental Resilience, DeLand, Florida, speaking to the Santa Fe Springs Working Group, December 14, 2023

Heather Brasell will speak on the impacts of forest management on water quality.

She is the founder of the Gaskins Forest Education Center, Alapaha, Georgia, where she has won state and national forestry awards. She holds frequent events for adults and children, such as the annual A Day in the Woods, where WWALS always has a booth. She has won state and national forestry awards. She owns several miles of the Alapaha River and has paddled many times with WWALS. She is a former WWALS board member. She is a WWALS water quality tester.

[Heather Brasell, Gaskins Forest Education Center, Alapaha, Georgia]
Heather Brasell, Gaskins Forest Education Center, Alapaha, Georgia

“Musicians, we have some songs, but we also want yours,” said organizing committee chair and WWALS President Sara Jay Jones.

Suwannee Riverkeeper John S. Quarterman said, Continue reading

Today’s the day to send your Suwannee River Basin song

Surely you have a song about Debby. Or the Swamp. Or your favorite river, creek, spring, sink, swamp, pond, aquifer, or bay in the Suwannee River Basin or Estuary, except not in the Santa Fe River Basin.

Send it in by midnight tonight!

[Entry Deadline: August 7, 2024, Suwannee Riverkeeper Songwriting Contest]
Entry Deadline: August 7, 2024, Suwannee Riverkeeper Songwriting Contest

Here’s the entry form:

“Musicians, this is the end of the two more weeks to tinker and finish up that song, so it’s time to send it in,” said organizing committee chair and WWALS President Sara Jay Jones.

Public Service Announcement (PSA):

The audience will listen and three judges will decide who wins in several categories at the finals, Saturday, September 7, 2024, during the WWALS River Revue, Turner Center for the Arts, Valdosta, Georgia.

Suwannee Riverkeeper John S. Quarterman said, “Your ticket or sponsorship helps support everything WWALS does, from water quality tests, paddle outings, to chainsaw cleanups, and beyond to advocacy to stop trash at its sources, strip mines, and pipelines. We work for water trails, solar power, and Right to Clean Water, with growing engagement for youth and marginalized communities.”

Organizing Committee member Arinda Kennedy said, “Maybe you’d like to join the organizing committee!”

For everything else, go to wwals.net and scroll down to WWALS River Revue.

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Okapilco Creek, WWALS River Revue, Suwannee Riverkeeper Songwriting Contest on Bill Osborne talk radio 2024-07-30

Songwriters, please send in your song by August 7, as Bill Osborne and I reminded everyone on his morning drive radio show at 7:30 this morning.

The Suwannee Riverkeeper Songwriting Contest finals will be Saturday, September 7, 2024, during the WWALS River Revue, at the Turner Center for the Arts in Valdosta, Georgia.

[Send songs by August 7, Bill Osborne Radio 2024-07-30, Suwannee Riverkeeper Songwriting Contest, WWALS River Revue 2024-09-07]
Send songs by August 7, Bill Osborne Radio 2024-07-30, Suwannee Riverkeeper Songwriting Contest, WWALS River Revue 2024-09-07

For that and many other topics we discussed, go to:

Here is a video playlist:

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More time for your Suwannee River Basin song

Hahira, Georgia, July 26, 2024 — Songwriters now have two more weeks, until Wednesday, August 7, to send in your story in song about any river, creek, spring, sink, swamp, pond, aquifer, or bay in the Suwannee River Basin or Estuary, except not in the Santa Fe River Basin.

[Entry Form Banner]

Here’s the entry form:

“Musicians, you have two more weeks to tinker and finish up that song, then send it in,” said organizing committee chair and WWALS President Sara Jay Jones.

The audience will listen and three judges will decide who wins in several categories at the finals, Saturday, September 7, 2024, during the WWALS River Revue, Turner Center for the Arts, Valdosta, Georgia, with speakers, food, drink, and a silent auction.

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Radio: Song time for Suwannee Riverkeeper Songwriting Contest on Bill Osborne radio 105.9 FM 2024-07-24

At 7:30 AM tomorrow morning, Wednesday, July 24, 2024, Bill Osborne and Suwannee Riverkeeper will invite songwriters to send in songs by midnight that day, for the Suwannee Riverkeeper Songwriting Contest.

[Send your song, Bill Osborne radio 105.9 FM, Suwannee Riverkeeper Songwriting Contest in WWALS River Revue]
Send your song, Bill Osborne radio 105.9 FM, Suwannee Riverkeeper Songwriting Contest in WWALS River Revue

You can watch on the station’s facebook live:

Or this way:

Send in your song here:
https://forms.gle/ett6ne6DxMc8Ln897 Continue reading

It’s Suwannee River Basin song time

Update 2024-07-26: More time for your Suwannee River Basin song

Hahira, Georgia, July 22, 2024 — Songwriters, Wednesday is the last day to send in your story in song about any river, creek, spring, sink, swamp, pond, aquifer, or bay in the Suwannee River Basin or Estuary, except not in the Santa Fe River Basin.

[Send your song by midnight Wednesday --Sweet William Billy Ennis]
Send your song by midnight Wednesday –Sweet William Billy Ennis

WWALS President Sara Jay Jones said, “Musicians, you can finish up that song you’ve been tinkering with, and send it in.”

Here’s the entry form:

“So sharpen your pencils and submit your song, to www.wwals.net. See you there!” said Sweet William Billy Ennis, the 2021 winner and 2022 headliner,

The finals will be held Saturday, September 7, 2024, at the WWALS River Revue, Turner Center for the Arts, Valdosta, Georgia. The audience will listen, while three judges decide who wins in several categories.

Suwannee Riverkeeper John S. Quarterman said, Continue reading

Pictures: Florida Folk Festival Saturday 2024-05-25

Update 2024-05-30: Pictures: Florida Folk Festival Sunday 2024-05-26.

People kept asking to sign the petition for a Florida Constitutional Amendment for Right to Clean Water.

[Florida Folk Festival, Saturday 2024-05-25, Livelier. Most popular:, Right to Clean Water Petition]
Florida Folk Festival, Saturday 2024-05-25, Livelier. Most popular:, Right to Clean Water Petition

We’ll have more of those petitions today, on the banks of the Suwannee River in White Springs, Florida, at the Stephen Foster Folk Culture Center State Park. Continue reading

Pictures: Florida Folk Festival Sunday 2024-05-26

The petition for a Florida Constitutional Amendment for Right to Clean Water brought many people to the WWALS Booth. They went away with a WWALS flyer, so RTCW meshes will with other WWALS activities.

[Florida Folk Festival, Sunday 2024-05-26, Florida Petition for Right to Clean Water]
Florida Folk Festival, Sunday 2024-05-26, Florida Petition for Right to Clean Water

Sarah Younger of Sierra Club Suwannee-St. Johns Group shows how to sign the petition. We got 90 signatures on the banks of the Suwannee River in White Springs, Florida, at the Stephen Foster Folk Culture Center State Park.

Florida registered voters can sign any time:

Each signature gets us (and all the other groups participating) closer to getting the petition through Florida Supreme Court review and onto the 2026 ballot. The beauty of it is that it doesn’t go through governor or the legislature. And once it gets on the ballot, environmental constitutional amendments tend to get approved by huge margins. Which will put it in Article I, along with other basic human rights such as freedom of speech.

Many thanks to WWALS volunteers Gee Edwards and Bird Chamberlain for helping. Continue reading