Daily Archives: January 14, 2014

This Is A Statement From American Rivers President Bob Irvin On The Freedom Industries Chemical Spill Into The Elk River.

January 13th 2014 Statement of American Rivers’ President Bob Irvin:   “We support the communities that depend on the Elk River for their drinking water and call upon all citizens, industry, and state officials to protect this vital resource. The recent spill of coal-processing chemicals into the Elk River, contaminating the drinking water supply for hundreds of thousands of West Virginians, brings our reliance on clean, healthy rivers into sharp focus. The Elk River, like all waterways in West Virginia, is designated for use as a source of public drinking water. The Freedom Industries spill clearly shows the importance and need for upholding and enforcing laws that protect clean drinking water and public health. Preventing future spills of this kind is one reason American Rivers advocates for strong legal protections for our rivers provided by laws such as the federal Clean Water Act and related state laws.”imageThis map shows the status of water safety in the Kanawha Valley on January 13, 2014 at 5:34 pm after the chemical spill into the Elk River About American Rivers American Rivers protects wild rivers, restores damaged rivers, and conserves clean water for people and nature. Since 1973, American Rivers has protected and restored more than 150,000 miles of rivers through advocacy efforts, on-the-ground projects, and an annual America’s Most Endangered Rivers® campaign. Headquartered in Washington, DC, American Rivers has offices across the country and more than 200,000 members, supporters, and volunteers. -CLG

SB 213 Flint River water grab bill is back

As we could have guessed from the aquifer storage meeting last November, the water grab to ship to Atlanta HB 213 that failed in the Georgia House last year is back on the table this year, and it’s still a bad idea, especially with the Flint River #2 on American Rivers’ Most Endangered Rivers list.

Gordon Rogers, Flint Riverkeeper, wrote for the Atlanta Business Chronicle 10 January 2014, Bill would fundamentally change Georgia water law,

In the Dec. 13, 2013, Atlanta Business Chronicle article “Bill could aid Georgia in water case,” Georgia Environmental Protection Division Director Jud Turner was quoted saying those who object to his proposed Flint River legislation (SB 213) believe in a water swap “conspiracy theory.”

The controversial provision in SB 213 would authorize state investment in “projects to augment stream flows” and would then authorize the director to prohibit downstream property owners with permits from withdrawing “augmented” water (which is undefined). The duration of the prohibition on water withdrawals is undefined, and the bill is structured to allow private consulting companies …
