Daily Archives: March 18, 2014

Billboard, BIG Little River Paddle Event

You should see these billboards around Valdosta starting today. Thanks to Fairway for the artwork.

There’s still time to register online or by sending a check, for the Second Annual BIG Little River Paddle Event, at Reed Bingham State Park, this Saturday, 22 March 2014, to benefit Friends of Reed Bingham State Park and WWALS Watershed Coalition.

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Moody AFB Installation Complex Encroachment Management Action Plan (ICEMAP)

On 19 February 2014 WWALS Watershed Coalition received the appended letter from the United States Air Force about a study regarding encroachment around Moody Air Force Base, between Valdosta and Lakeland in Lowndes and Lanier Counties, in the watershed of the Alapaha River. Several documents were attached:

From: Mike Lynch <ml@marstel-day.com>
Date: Wed, Feb 19, 2014 at 10:32 AM
Subject: Moody Air Force Base Installation Complex Encroachment Management Action Plan (ICEMAP)
Cc: "NICHOLS, DIONDRA R GS-11 USAF ACC 23 CES/CENPP" <diondra.nichols@us.af.mil>

On behalf of Headquarters Air Force and the 23d Wing, Marstel-Day, LLC is developing an "Installation Complex Encroachment Management Action Plan" (ICEMAP) for Moody Air Force Base (AFB), Georgia and its associated installations and facilities. Attached is a memo Continue reading