On 19 February 2014 WWALS Watershed Coalition received the appended
letter from the United States Air Force about a study
regarding encroachment around Moody Air Force Base,
between Valdosta and Lakeland in Lowndes and Lanier Counties,
in the watershed of the Alapaha River.
Several documents were attached:
- 23 CES CC memo ICEMAP Community Support Request signed 13 Feb 14: this is the letter quoted below.
About the ICEMAP
- Martsel-Day PM Letter to Community – Moody AFB signed 12 Feb 14
From: Mike Lynch <ml@marstel-day.com>
Date: Wed, Feb 19, 2014 at 10:32 AM
Subject: Moody Air Force Base Installation Complex Encroachment Management Action Plan (ICEMAP)
Cc: "NICHOLS, DIONDRA R GS-11 USAF ACC 23 CES/CENPP" <diondra.nichols@us.af.mil>
On behalf of Headquarters Air Force and the 23d Wing, Marstel-Day, LLC is developing an "Installation Complex Encroachment Management Action Plan" (ICEMAP) for Moody Air Force Base (AFB), Georgia and its associated installations and facilities. Attached is a memo from Commander, 23d Civil Engineer Squadron, an additional memo from Senior Air Force Program Manager, Marstel-Day, LLC and an “About the ICEMAP” summary.
We have identified you or your organization as an ICEMAP “community stakeholder” and are interested in gaining a more in-depth understanding of the areas of shared interest between your organization and Moody AFB. Our team will be in the area from March 10 through March 13, 2014. A member of our team at Marstel-Day, LLC will follow-up with you this week to schedule a time to meet with you, and in some cases additional members of your staff, at your convenience. We expect these visits to last from 30-45 minutes. The following is a list of sample questions to guide discussions. They are:
How do you/your organization interact with Moody AFB currently?
Who are your main points of contact and topics of interaction?
From your perspective, what are the “important topics” in the community with regard to Moody AFB-community relations?
Are there other key stakeholders that the ICEMAP team should interview?
Does your organization have data (studies, reports, etc.) that would help inform ICEMAP development?
What are the key points that Moody AFB should know about your decision making processes? Where can/should Moody AFB be involved?
What information can Moody AFB provide to inform your organization’s work?
We look forward to speaking with you to discuss your areas of shared interest as they relate to the future of not only Moody AFB, but also your organization and other community stakeholders.
Please do not hesitate to contact me with questions and comments.
Very Respectfully,
Mike Lynch
Mike Lynch
Senior Analyst, Marstel-Day, LLC
Conservation & Consulting from Sea to Stars
Cell: 703.589.4546
on the web at www.marstel-day.com
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