Monthly Archives: March 2014

Still time to register for BIG Little River Paddle Event

WWALS Outings Chair Bret Wagenhorst says:

Don’t forget, there is a great opportunity to enjoy the scenic beauty of one of our south GA blackwater rivers and help raise money for WWALS and Friends of Reed Bingham this coming Saturday, March 22 at The second annual BIG Little River Paddle Event. There is still time to register on line.

Big Little River Paddle Event in Tifton Gazette

Ten days from now, float downstream, or race to the finish!

10 March 2014 in the Tifton Gazette, Little River Paddle Race March 22,

ADEL — Join the Friends of Reed Bingham State Park and WWALS Watershed Coalition on March 22 for the second annual Big Little River Paddle Race.

The race starts at 11 a.m. at Red Roberts Landing and flows down the 3-mile section of Little River and ends at Lake Reed Bingham.

Registration will be Continue reading

Draft Agenda for WWALS March 2014 board meeting

Board meetings are open to the public. Board members are listed on the website.

Draft Agenda
WWALS Board of Directors
7:30 PM Wednesday 12 March 2014
IHOP, Adel, GA
  1. Call to Order, Welcome and Introductions
  2. Speaker, 20 minutes: Charles Stines about his experience on our region’s rivers.
  3. Agenda Review: Additions and Changes
  4. Review and Approval of Minutes
    1. 12 February 2014 Board meeting minutes
  5. Past Meetings and Events
    1. Monthly outing February (fourth Saturday): February 22 – location? Cancelled due to all rivers too high.
  6. Future Meetings and Events Continue reading

Draft Agenda for WWALS March 2014 board meeting

Board meetings are open to the public. Board members are listed on the website.

Draft Agenda
WWALS Board of Directors
7:30 PM Thursday 13 March 2014
IHOP, Adel, GA if speaker, else by teleconference
  1. Call to Order, Welcome and Introductions
  2. Speaker, 20 minutes: Charles Stines about his experience on our region’s rivers.
  3. Agenda Review: Continue reading

Valdosta famous into Florida again for wastewater spill

As two of the Suwannee Democrat’s commentors ask:

Why does Valdosta keep having these spills?
Hasn’t this happened like 3 times now?

Why yes, yes it has. For example, Valdosta became famous for this all the way to the Gulf 3 March 2013, and there were two more spills in 2013 to add to the big one in 2009. However, the City of Valdosta has promised to use SPLOST and other funding to fix it within a few years. As AP reported Friday:

The city of Valdosta says it is making improvements to the Withlacoochee Water Pollution Control Plant to prevent future problems.

Staff, Suwannee Democrat, 28 February 2014, Florida Department of Health advises of possible wastewater contamination: Wastewater overflow from Valdosta, Ga. may impact Withlacoochee and Suwannee Rivers

Live Oak — The Florida Department of Health (DOH) today issued an advisory to residents in counties surrounding the Withlacoochee and Suwannee rivers. The City of Valdosta has reported a spill, made up of a combination of storm water and partially treated sewage, that has overflowed into the Withlacoochee River. The Withlacoochee flows south and connects with the Suwannee River.

Until further information Continue reading