This bipartisan resolution sounds like a good idea to me.
And apparently it also looks good to the Georgia Forestry Association (of which I am a member).
Capitol Forestry Report, GFA, 20 February 2017:
House Resolution 281
Sponsor: Rep. Spencer Frye, D-Athens
This is a resolution with no force of law the supports the use and enjoyment of river trails in the State of Georgia. GFA has engaged with the bill’s author, Rep. Spencer Frye, who is very supportive of private property rights for forest landowners in Georgia.
Status: House Natural Resources and Environment Committee.
WWALS has two water trails, the Alapaha River Water Tral, and the Withlacoochee and Little River Water Trail, both following up on many years of harmony among boaters and landowners dating back to earlier Canoe Trails on the same rivers in the 1970s.
House Resolution 281By: Representatives Frye of the 118th , McCall of the 33rd, Knight of the 130 th, Buckner of the 137th, Williams of the 119 th, and others
A RESOLUTION Recognizing and encouraging the proliferation a nd use of water trails in Georgia; and for other purposes.
WHEREAS, water trails in Georgia create “hiking trails” on water that provide access points for fishing, swimming, paddling, picnicking, and bird watching, thereby allowing people to enjoy scarce, valuable, and underutilized natural and public amenities; and
WHEREAS, there are educational, scenic, cultural, and historic sites along or in close proximity to these water trails; and
WHEREAS, greater use and enjoyment of Georgia’s rivers and streams will ensure a healthy future for the surrounding ecosystem; and
WHEREAS, water trails on Georgia’s rivers become part of the outdoor recreation industry and foster community revitalization by increasing tourism, expanding local economies, and increasing the value of real estate property along rivers; and
WHEREAS, in Georgia alone, more than $23 billion are spent on outdoor recreation and Georgia’s 15 existing water trails, stretching 1,055 miles, would continue to contribute to the outdoor recreation industry that provides 6.1 million jobs in the United States, $39.9 billion in federal tax revenue, and $39.7 billion in state and local tax revenue.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES that the members of this body recognize Georgia River Network and their water trail partners for their dedicated public service to the State of Georgia and encourage the exploration of existing water trails and the development of future water trails around the state.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Clerk of the House of Representatives is authorized and directed to make an appropriate copy of th is resolution available for distribution to the water trail partnerships throughout Georgia.
-jsq, John S. Quarterman, Suwannee RIVERKEEPER®
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