Today in Gainesville, FL, Jim Gross of Florida Defenders of the Environment and John S. Quarterman, Suwannee Riverkeeper, will be speaking at Water is Life Fest. With music!
When: 6PM Saturday 17 June 2017
Civic Media Center
433 S Main St, Gainesville, Florida 32601
Event: facebook
“WiLFest features:
All local bands to build community
Two speakers sharing their vital knowledge of our water systems
Artists, Vendors, Raffles and lots of Pamphlets
Come out, dance, drink, learn, eat, and connect.”
Dillon Rose 6:00
VOWLS 7:30
The Funky Miracle 9:00
Hosted by: Water is Life Fest
Organized by: Matt Barker
I’ll be speaking about:
- solar power has already won the economic race,
- the unnecessary, destructive, and hazardous Sabal Trail pipeline and what you can do to stop it,
- Valdosta wastewater,
- BMAPs: Basin Management Action Plans for agriculture and water at the Suwannee River Basin,
- TMDLs: Total Maximum Daily Loads for pollutants,
- Springsheds and water withdrawal permits,
- Phosphate mines,
- Come paddle with WWALS!
I only have fifteen minutes to speak, so I’m going to skim over these topics so people will hear about them.
If you want to hear a longer version, see Videos: Suwannee Riverkeeper at Sparkleberry Florida Native Plant Society in Branford 2017-05-09. And there is much more information online at
See you in Gainesville this evening!
-jsq, John S. Quarterman, Suwannee RIVERKEEPER®
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