Seems like this course by the Florida Springs Institute should also be of interest to agricultural managers, especially now that the BMAPs indicate massive reduction in nitrate runoff into springs.
Sunday, August 20th – Wednesday, August 23rd
Ocala National ForestThis year’s Springs Field School is scheduled for four days of outdoor activities and springs education in The Ocala National Forest! Field trip locations include Silver Springs State Park, Salt Springs, Juniper Springs, and Silver Glen Springs. We will be camping and lodging at Lake in The Forest Black Bear Resort, central to the over 600 Ocala National Forests lakes, rivers, and springs! Each day of Field School will consist of about four hours of field trips and four hours of lectures with breaks during the day for meals.
Who Should Participate in Springs Field School?
This course is offered to those interested in Florida’s water resources from a science, management, or administrative perspective and for those who wish to develop or sharpen their understanding of aquatic ecology in general. Information from all related physical, chemical, biological, and economic disciplines will be integrated to allow an understanding and appreciation of the role that springs play in overall support for Florida’s natural and human ecologies. This course should be of interest to ecologists, environmental scientists, water resources engineers, natural resource managers, and those practicing environmental law.
This is not a WWALS event, so for more details, follow this link.
-jsq, John S. Quarterman, Suwannee RIVERKEEPER®
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