Charges dropped against Gilchrist County Sabal Trail protestors 2017-07-14

Eight months after she was arrested for holding a sign on a public road right of way, Cindy Noel learned today the charges have been dropped by the state for “INSUFFICIENT EVIDENCE TO SUSTAIN A CONVICTION”:

Case Action Report: Nole Prosequi

I asked Cindy if she minded if I blog this. She answered:

Not at all—looks like everyone’s charges were dropped. Everyone that didn’t take a deal first.

Most of the rest of the fourteen defendants were also arrested for holding signs on a public road right of way, while one locked himself to equipment at the Sabal Trail Santa Fe River HDD site in Gilchrist County, Florida.

Maybe the State of Florida, before it filed its NOLLE PROSEQUI discovered the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, which doesn’t include any exceptions for a state acting as an enforcer for an invading pipeline company.

Charges were already dropped back in April for three protestors at the Suwannee River HDD site in January 2017. Some other cases may still be in process.

Sure looks like Florida’s dragnet on behalf of Sabal Trail was a bit broad.

 -jsq, John S. Quarterman, Suwannee RIVERKEEPER®

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